
Is there a possibility I am really HIV negative?

I am a Cameroonian and had an HIV test which was positive I don’t know what they used in testing for my status but I just want know if it there is a possibility that am negative?


Thank you for your question

A standard practise is to perform a confirmatory test on anyone who tests positive for HIV. This is the only way you will know if the result is accurate.

For more information on HIV tests please follow this link

If your confirmatory test also comes out positive then it is not the end of the world. With the treatments that are available today HIV positive people can have a near normal life expectancy and enjoy a good quality of life. The first thing you would need to do is get a CD4 count and a viral load test.

If you do find out you are positive and need any further support or information on these tests or HIV treatment then please contact us again.