
Can I help friends access treatment in Ghana?

Hello I have a friend who is living in the UK but unfortunately has to go back home to Ghana. They are very poorly on HIV tablets. We are so worried that they will not be able to get tablets or have to pay for them, if they do pay how much would they cost? Is there anything we can do to support them?
Thank you


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry to hear about your friend. Do you know when they started treatment or which treatments they are on?

In Ghana HIV treatment is free. However, the treatment options are limited and based on older drugs that have a higher risk of side effects.

Even if you buy them privately, these drugs will be much less expensive in Ghana compared to the UK. If you wanted to buy the UK equivalent treatments privately it would cost around £600-£800 per person per month.

The Ghana AIDS Treatment Action Group (GATAG) may be able to to give you information about accessing treatments through private hospitals in Ghana.


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