
What does a non-detectable viral load mean?

I am now into my 22nd year of living with HIV and have been non-detectable for 10 years now. I have been on antiretrovirals the entire time, have tolerated them fairly well and have never been seriously ill. I started with a CD4 of 80 and have been above 350 for many years going as high as 670 in 2007. In 2008, my CD4 is 505. My viral load remains non-detectable. I know enough to be very grateful.

Also, as a sidebar note. I experienced facial wasting ten years ago and had facial filler (Sculptra) injections last year. I must say that the results, even after two sessions, were amazing. I had three treatments total and I remain extremely pleased with the outcome. I have my face back! I have medium brown skin and suffered no scaring at the injection sites. This process has really given my self-esteem and quality of life a super boost.


Thank you for your question.

Viral load test is a key marker to whether treatment is working. When you achieve a non-detectable or undetectable viral load it shows that the treatment is working.

An undetectable viral load means that the level of HIV in your blood is below the threshhold needed for detection by this test.

Being able to maintain an undetectable viral load for ten years is great. It shows your good adherence and that your treatment is working. So, well done and keep taking your treatment.

This link has more information about different cut off levels for an undetectable viral load – ie 200, 50 and 20 copies/mL.

This answer was updated in May 2021 from an original question in February 2008.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Claudette,

    Please see the following link:

  2. claudette

    if my viral load is undectable and I take an hiv test will it still come back as positive

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lina,

    Please see Q’s 6 and 9 here:

  4. Lina

    Hi im hiv pisitive and my cd4 is 850 and viral load is not partner is negaive and he wants a baby.can we have sex without condom?

  5. Lisa Thorley
  6. Ramkumar

    I paid for sex a month ago. During Vaginal sex condom was broke.And I drunk her breast milk. I scared more and I taken HIV P24 ANTIGEN SERUM ELFA TEST after 12 days of exposure. Result was negative, I asked my family doctor, he said no problem. Is it conclusive?.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sandile,

    Because your viral load is undetectable the risk of transmission to your partner is close to zero. For more info please see here:

    What this means, is that you could choose to conceive naturally.

    For more info on pregnancy, please see Q6 here:

  8. Sandile

    My CD4 is 585 and my viral load is non detected.My partner is negative she wants to have kids, an we? We’ve been using condoms all the time.

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi. Your message is not very clear but your doctor or clinic should tell you why there is a delay with your viral load results and interpret any change in liver enzymes. Even when your viral load is undetectable, it is probably still important to use condoms with your wife, at least while you are both coming to terms with your HIV status. See the “planning your pregnancy” sections of the i-Base guide to pregnancy about option for having children n the future if this is something you both want to do.

  10. Yak

    I tested positive in February 2012 and on 14/12/2012 CD4 test was run on me then on 17/12/2012 viral load test was run while on 21/12/2012 result of my CD4 came out as 262 and I commenced ARV but uptill now my Doctors keep telling me that my viral load test is not out and and married to negative partner (wife) she is disturbed getting pregnant but i don’t want her to be infected. (1) Pls what could be the reason for the delay of my viral load result? (2) Is any drug she can take as PreP? Also I did another test and the show that my liver enzymes are elevating. Pls i need your professional advise .


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