Q and A


Is my baby HIV positive?

I am HIV-positive. I was on treatment during pregnancy and I had a normal delivery. I did not breastfeed. My viral load was undetectable when the baby was born.

My baby’s HIV test was done after four months. I received a letter from the clinic saying her test is a likely reflection of my status. I was also told that the test had to be repeated after two months. I am worried. Does that mean that my baby is definitely HIV-positive?


Thank you for your question. All babies born to HIV positive mothers will test HIV-positive with an HIV antibody test at first because they share their mothers antibodies and immune system. If the baby is does not have HIV, then mother’s antibodies will slowly disappear, but this may take a long as 18 months.

The best test for HIV in babies is called an HIV PCR DNA test. This test looks for the virus in the baby’s blood rather than at immune responses. Babies should be tested the day they are born, then at one month and then again at three months. If all of these tests are negative and the mother is not breastfeeding, then the baby is HIV negative.

Lastly, when the baby is 18 months old you should be told that your baby no longer has your antibodies.


  1. mpumi

    hi it’s mpumi .
    yes my baby was given nevirapine and doctrim syrup.and we are told to come back for another test after five weeks.I’m panicking I don’t know what to expect.

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mpumi,

    If your baby has tested negative even after you’d been breastfeeding her, its highly likely that she will be negative. She may however need further tests.

    When you were tested, was your baby given any medication?

  3. mpumi

    hi I’m tumi I only foundout I’m HIV positive when my baby was nine months old and I have been breastfeeding her.as soon as I foundout about my status I also tested my baby and it was negative.does that mean she will remain negative or it’ll change.cos when test were done when i was pregnant they all came negative.pls answer me.
    concerned mom.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Precious,

    The only way to know if your son is positive or not is to test. There really is no other way.

  5. Precious

    Hi doc
    I tested positive in Dec when my son was 6months old and requeated PCR test, it came back negative.I did a fingerprick hiv test for 2 times during pregnancy and it was negative, I only breastfed him for 2days after delivery.Is there any possibilty that he should be tested positive at the age of 18months?I am so worried because I think hiv was hiding and he maybe infected.

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Cynthia,

    If you had an undetectable viral load when you gave birth, then the risk of transmission is reduced. To know for certain you will need to have your child tested.

  7. Cynthia

    Hi ,my baby boy born on negative and I didn’t breast feed is possible to be affected answer please m worried

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thuli,

    If your baby tested negative at 9 months, and you weren’t breastfeeding her, she will be HIV negative.

  9. thuli

    I was dignosed HIV positive when my baby was nine months old.when I took her for HIV test,she tested negative does this mean that the virus will remain negative or will test positive at the later stage?

  10. charity

    My husband is positive but I have been testing negative, I have a nine months old baby, could she test positive if am testing negative from the time I consived her, I did my last test 4 months ago and tested negstibve. Is there a possibility I could be positive after testing negative all the time,