Q and A


Is my baby HIV positive?

I am HIV-positive. I was on treatment during pregnancy and I had a normal delivery. I did not breastfeed. My viral load was undetectable when the baby was born.

My baby’s HIV test was done after four months. I received a letter from the clinic saying her test is a likely reflection of my status. I was also told that the test had to be repeated after two months. I am worried. Does that mean that my baby is definitely HIV-positive?


Thank you for your question. All babies born to HIV positive mothers will test HIV-positive with an HIV antibody test at first because they share their mothers antibodies and immune system. If the baby is does not have HIV, then mother’s antibodies will slowly disappear, but this may take a long as 18 months.

The best test for HIV in babies is called an HIV PCR DNA test. This test looks for the virus in the baby’s blood rather than at immune responses. Babies should be tested the day they are born, then at one month and then again at three months. If all of these tests are negative and the mother is not breastfeeding, then the baby is HIV negative.

Lastly, when the baby is 18 months old you should be told that your baby no longer has your antibodies.


  1. ntombi

    hi, when I find out that I was pregnant I got tested for HIV and it showed the two lines. At the clinic they told me that I’m HIV positive. I did not take the treatment and my newborn baby tested negative when he was born and they gave me the syrup.

    I breastfeed him for five days. At the hospital they told me that his test came out negative and that I should stop breastfeeding him and gave me the other medicine for the baby.. Since then they did not test my baby for HIV,they told me that they will test him when his 18 months old…. My question is, is it possible for my baby to test HIV positive ?

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Boitumelo,

    Other than the laps that you had in 2013, have there been any others? When did you start retaking medication? I’m asking because if you restarted meds in say, 2014 or even mid 2016 then your viral load should be undetectable.

    When you were pregnant, what was your viral load? What sort of birth did you have? Importantly were you on medication?

    With regards to your baby being positive, only testing will tell you this. Please see here for more info:


  3. Boitumelo

    I have been HIV positive since 2006 and have been taken treatment. However, in 2013 I lapsed for about 6 months.

    I gave birth in January and the clinic told me I can’t breastfeed because my viral load is very high. Now I want to know with my high viral load can she be positive, as she’s on Nevirapine?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Doris,

    I’d like you to appreciate that i-base are an organisation that work with and for people who are living with HIV. Under no circumstances would we as an organisation want to cause anyone who is living with HIV any problems. Therefore, could you please direct your question to your sister.

    If she does say that she is positive, then she will have had her reasons why she didn’t tell you. And these should be respected.

  5. Doris

    Hi my younger sister has a 3 weeks baby girl. She’s breastfeeding her and she’s giving the baby the cipla neverapine. She never told us about her status. We just notice this medicine. Does this mean they are both HIV. posive?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sithembile,

    All babies who are born to HIV positive mothers should be given Nevirapine. It is given as a precaution even if a mother is on treatment and has an undetectable viral load. Therefore, this does not mean that your baby is HIV positive. Have they been tested yet?

  7. Sithembile

    If you’re HIV positive and on treatment and when you give birth they give your baby Nevirapine and Zedivudine, does this mean that the baby is positive?

    I breastfed for one week, then stopped.

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Samantha,

    Yes the test could be a false positive, given that she tested negative at 18 months. Therefore, to be sure its really important that she is tested again. Because she is a child, please insist that they also check her viral load. Owing to her age, this should be done as soon as possible.

    Can you let us know what happens?

  9. Samantha

    I have been hiv positive since 2009, I got pregnant in 2010. When I was pregnant I took the treatment and when my daughter was born I gave her the treatment as required. At 6 weeks she was test and the results were negative, she was then tested at 18 months the results were also negative. Then she got tested at the age of six, she is suffering from shingles and a flu. I had her tested the results were positive. My question is how is she now positive but she was born without the virus. Is it possible that the test was false positive?

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mpumi,

    I appreciate that this can be a nerving time. It is however really important that your baby is tested. Its also good that they were given medication.

    Blood will be taken like it is in adults, and then sent to a lab for testing. Once the results are back, you’ll be told. You may need to have them tested again. However, your doctor will explain this.