
What does the number on my HIV test result mean?

I had an HIV test done and result was negative and non reactive. The result showed 0.04 what does this mean? Jake


Hi Jake,

Thank you for your question.

A result that is less than 1.0  means you do not have HIV. You result of 0.04 is less than 1.0.

The number is a more accurate (quantitative) way of measuring the result other than a simple, yes or no. If the number is less than 1.0 the result is negative,

if the result is above 1.0 the result is positive,

if the result is very close to 1.0, either higher or lower, then the doctor may decide a confirmatory test is required.

Any time you don’t understand a test result it is important to ask the test centre or doctor who performed the test.

The answer was updated in January 2017 from a post in November 2010. i-Base no longer answers questions about HIV testing and transmission. Please see: Questions 1 and 8 at this link for more information.


  1. Lisa Thorley
  2. yatin

    I just had a Hiv Test, n result is,
    HIV-DUO Non Reactive,0.349 Index. What does it mean?
    And can you tell me this 0.349 number is higher or normal?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi G n,

    Please see questions 1 and 8 here:

  4. G n

    Does my HIV result index value 0.04 means negative or positive?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sphe,

    Without seeing the test I can’t say. For more on testing, please see question one here:

  6. Sphe


    If a hiv tester is showing 1 line what does it mean, is it positive pr negative?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi George,

    Please see question one here:

  8. george

    my test got value of 0.10 is it + ve or negative .. what this value means??

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Pasca,

    Please see question one here:

  10. pasca

    I tested for a HIV,the index value is 0.26 non reactive,interpretation,HIV 1 non reactive hiv2 provisionally reactive, what does the result implies