
What does the number on my HIV test result mean?

I had an HIV test done and result was negative and non reactive. The result showed 0.04 what does this mean? Jake


Hi Jake,

Thank you for your question.

A result that is less than 1.0  means you do not have HIV. You result of 0.04 is less than 1.0.

The number is a more accurate (quantitative) way of measuring the result other than a simple, yes or no. If the number is less than 1.0 the result is negative,

if the result is above 1.0 the result is positive,

if the result is very close to 1.0, either higher or lower, then the doctor may decide a confirmatory test is required.

Any time you don’t understand a test result it is important to ask the test centre or doctor who performed the test.

The answer was updated in January 2017 from a post in November 2010. i-Base no longer answers questions about HIV testing and transmission. Please see: Questions 1 and 8 at this link for more information.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Eric,

    Please see the above post and Q1 here:

  2. eric

    I am currently having pain in mouth for 3 months and I had my hiv r test in December 2014.. the result was 0.79 and non-reactive… what does this mean… do I have hiv or what???

  3. Lisa Thorley
  4. Th

    Hello, sir
    I was a tattoo artist. When I was making tattoo mistakenly I have injected the needle three time of three different person it was about 4years ago now I am suffering from Gestro problem and I have test HIV Test three times first on 28.12.2015 second on 12.7.2016 and third on 4.1.2017
    All test results are first 0.04 second 0.06 and third 0.16. should I need to go for further test. I am confused. Please guide me.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sameer,

    Please see Q’s 1 and 8 here:

  6. sameer

    Hi i had gone through clia HIV test and the result is non reactive with no indication of biological reference range . what does it indicates

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Patrick,

    Please see Q’s 1 and 8 here:

  8. Patrick

    What is the result: Hiv -1/2 means positive or negative?

  9. Lisa Thorley
  10. Kavindra

    Hlw sr i am 28 year old i am suffering from following
    1 sore thorat with caugh and dry mouth
    2 white and dry tongue
    3 fever repeated again and again since 2month
    4 chest pain
    5 joint and muscle pain
    6 pain in abdomenal
    7 pain in lower abdonal
    8 pain in back
    9 pain in feet
    10 pain in hand
    11 weakness
    12 tiredness
    13 allergy on the face
    14 allergy on growing area
    15 night sweats
    Sr i have proceted sex with A prostute lady in oct 2015 sr after 15month i get hiv test and my hiv result is negative sr pl help me