
I am confused about the window period – can you clarify?


I am a bit confused regarding the window period of the DUO HIV tests. Are they conclusive on 28 days and beyond or after 3 months. You inform that the window is 3-4 weeks on the header but then at the last paragraph you inform that the window is 3 months since 5% of people have an immune response later. I am totally confused!!

Can you please clarify?

Thank you


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry for the confusion. The problem is that everyone is different and our systems all work in slightly different ways. For the majority of the population, over 95% of people, the window period is 4 weeks. However, 5% of people need the full window period of 3 months.

For a more specific answer which includes the statment from the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) please follow this link.

To view this graphically please follow this link to a diagram you might find helpful


  1. Lisa Thorley

    What is the window period for Alere Determine test, since the 4th generation Elisa test is not common/ expensive in my home country?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Feziwe,

    Please see quesiton 5 here:

  4. Feziwe

    I’m confused. I test get result negative, but my bf is positive. Stress.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Amir,

    Please see quesiton one here:

  6. amir

    Hi, I’m 35 three month I paid for sex. I did a HIV test, it came back negative. I’m still worried because I’ve got a headache, a rash on my tongue and my lymph’s feel swollen. Could I be positive?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    This Q&A service is not for questions about HIV testing or HIV transmission. If you have symptoms you need to visit a doctor. We are not doctors and we cannot diagnose health conditions by email or online.

    If you have a question about catching HIV, risks or testing please read this FAQ page on HIV transmission and testing:
    You can find more information about sexual transmission and HIV testing here:

  8. Tony

    Hi, I’ve had sex with girls and I’m stressed because I have a discharge. I’ve been tested and the results are negative. Is three days enough time after having sex. Or should I get tested again?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Candida can sometimes become a problem if your immune system is weakened by HIV. But you can have Candida or thrush if you’re HIV negative. Having a test a few months after exposure to HIV will give an accurate result. Ask your doctor to check your health to see what’s causing these symptoms.

  10. Dever

    Four years are go I slept with someone I suspected is HIV positive. By that time I was negative although I had Candida (thrush). Soon my lips changed colour to dark and I lost weight. My eyes now feel gritty. But I have gone for several tests which I have tested negative.