Q and A


Is it safe to use Aloe Vera?

Thanks for the help on information rendered in 2010. Happy New Year too!

I would like to find out if it is safe to use Aloe Vera if you are HIV positive with a CD4 count of over 1000. I have been taking it for over 3 years. Are there any known side effects or studies conducted on Aloe Vera?


Thank you for your question and a Happy New Year to you too.

It is fine to use Aloe Vera, there are no interactions with HIV medications.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thabo,

    Your brother needs to be given specialist care, and needs to start ARVs as soon as possible. He will also need to follow the info that’s included here:


    Aloe Vera won’t help your brother.

  2. Thabo

    My brother has been diagnosed with hiv.his cd4 count was zero zero…which aloe vera products can I give him to boost.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Elba,

    If you mean is it OK to not take your ARVs everyday, this will depend on what meds you’re taking and what your CD4 count is. If you’re taking Atripla, then there is some research that says you can take them every other day. Please see here:


    That said, ARVs are supposed to be taken daily. If they are making you sick, you may need to change.

  4. Elba

    If I take every day I get sick now I’m skipping a day and take next day just like that same time, is that Ok?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Elba,

    Please see the above post. Aloe won’t have any positive effects on your HIV.

  6. Elba

    I’m using atroiza can I use aloe??? What different can it do in my HIV body

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tami,

    Please see the above post.

  8. tami

    I am on ARVS iz it okay 2 use alovera

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Buyie,

    As the post above says, there’s no problem with using aloe vera.

  10. buyie

    is aloe vera good for me I’m using atroiza…and I’m using home made aloe vera…


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