Q and A


I don't want to take treatment, how can I increase my CD4 count?


I was diagnosed HIV positive in 2009 and at that time my CD4 was over 400. It then slowly dropped and the latest CD4 was 187. My doctor asked me take HAART medication plus he also ask me take bactrim. I started HIV medication and after I took the medication, within 30 minutes I had a headache, very high fever, rash all over my body, vomiting, loose stool and I became so weak. I couldn’t even wake up from my bed, it was that terrible what I went through. So I just took HIV meds only once and then I stopped taking the medication because medicine should help the patient, not make my bad condition even worse.

Can you advise me how I can maintain my CD4 and CD8 because I just plan to not take modern medicine plus I am working person and I can’t take off all the time.


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry to hear you are having so much trouble taking HIV meds. Unfortunately the only way to increase your CD4 count is by taking antiretroviral drugs that make up HAART medicine. Many people have problems with side effects when they first start treatment. However, within 2-4 weeks your body will become used to the drugs and these side effects will lessen.

If you are suffering from side effects there are additional treatments the doctors can give you to prevent nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headaches etc. to help you get through the first few difficult weeks. If you start treatment and then stop you are in danger of becoming resistant to your medication. This means you may reduce the number of treatments available to you in the future.

If your CD4 count is only 187 then you need to start taking HAART as soon as possible. Before doing this you should ask your doctor for a resistance test. Which treatments did you take before? If you took nevirapine or efavirenz and got a rash then you should try to avoid these treatments.

For more information on side effect please follow this link to our guidebook on HIV and your quality of life

It might also help to view similar questions on starting treatment

HIV treatment is very individual and it is about finding the right combination for you. If you give the medication a try and are really not getting on with it then you can speak to your doctor about changing the meds to something that is more suitable for you.

If you decide not to take treatment then your CD4 count will decrease until you become very sick and eventually die. At the end of the day it is your decision whether or not to take treatment but you should be aware of the consequences if you are to make an informed decision. Good luck and please do not hesitate to contact us again if you need any more support.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thandiwe,

    The vomiting sensation that you’re having could easily be due to you being pregnant. Insofar as it could be morning sickness. How many months pregnant are you?.

    If you think there is a chance that you may not be positive, then yes have another test. When are you due to have a CD4 count and viral load test done?

    If it is confirmed that you’re positive, please see here:


  2. thandiwe

    hi I was diagnosed HIV and I am pregnant and my doctor prescribed before I go for cd4 and viral load I feared for my baby to be positive also so started taking the art and the problem is I woke up each morning feeling that tab in my mouth I feel like I want to vomit is it a good treatment or I
    must go and get tested again, I do not have any sickness in my body so I am worried

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Pearl,
    I’m sorry to hear that you’ve just been diagnosed. This time can be very tough for most people. But asking for advice is a great start to feeling better. Finding out about your CD4 count and viral load can help you decide to think about when to start treatment. Here’s a guide to starting HIV treatment (ART). Do you have support where you live? Talking to someone else who is HIV positive can really help. They might have this support at the clinic.

  4. Pearl

    Hi im a 25 year old on the 16 of march I found out that I was diagnosed with HIV ever since then I never went to the clinic I don’t take any meds I don’t even know my CD4count I’m just scared of everything if I takes meds and then drop and take again I’m just not ready I’m confused I need advice please

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nancy,
    Taking supplements and herbs can be a problem with some HIV meds. So it’s a good idea to check with your doctor about the lingzhi, or reishi, mushroom supplement. It’s great that you’re going to have a baby. But it’s important that you discuss this with your doctor so that you are getting safe and effective HIV treatment (ART). Looking after your own health is the best way to look after your baby’s health. There’s more info here in the guide to HIV pregancy and Women’s Health.

  6. Nancy

    Can i continue taking xiangzhiling if im pregnant and how should i take it. Am five weeks pregnant

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nages,
    If your meds are making you sleepy can you take them before bedtime? Other side effects might not be so noticeable if they happen at night. But if these side effects are serious you can talk to the doctor about changing to other meds.

  8. Nages

    They make me drowsie and fell sleepy and smells then fell like vomoting

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Louisa,

    A person’s CD4 count when positive can only be controlled with ARVs, this is why its important to take them. If the ones that you were taking made you sick, there will be other options available to you. Did you try any others? Was stopping meds discussed with your doctor?

  10. Louisa

    Im so scared to take the meds thet make me sick and i cant sleep at night and i have a small baby whom i want to live long for but how do i increase my CD4 count without taking the med


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