I have a high viral load and my headache is getting worse
15 March 2011. Related: All topics, CD4 and viral load, Opportunistic infections.
I am HIV positive and have got a very high viral load my problem is two days ago I developed a mildish headache and woke up with an even worse one that during the day go worse. By the next day it felt like my skull was been squeezed folled by sensivety to all light. By now my neck feels stiff and the pain to the back left of my head is unbearable and I can’t put my head down with the pain been very bad.
Thank you for your question.
I am sorry to hear you are feeling so bad.
You need to go and see your doctor as soon as possible to find out what is causing this level of pain. If you experience any symptoms as severe as you are describing should go straight to your GP and ask for an emergency appointment.
If you have a high viral load (over 100,000 copies/mL) this can be a reason to start treatment earlier. For more information please follow this link.
I hope you feel better soon
Hi Zianda,
It’s good that you’ve started taking your meds again. But there could be other reasons for having a headache. If the headache continues you can talk to the doctor about it.
Many people miss a dose occasionally but there is a difference between an occasional missed dose and regularly forgetting on a daily or weekly basis – or for a few days.
Here are some tips for taking your meds in the right way.
Hi there
I am taking tribbus and it happened that I forgot to take them 3 days in a row because I was out partying.when I consumed to take them the following day when I woke up in the morning I had a terrible headache and the following day I’m still having the headache..cud it be because I had stoped taking my meds for only 3 days? Please help.
Hi Marika,
A viral load measures the amount of virus that you have in your blood. Please see here for more info:
How long have you been on medication for? What medication are you taking?
Hi my viral load is 54247 what does it mean.I take my ARV i dont understand what is the normal viral load
I had an uprotected sex with a girl and i took 200 mg tramadol and Zoga (to increase erection) and it lasted for a while. After some days i started having itching that is severe at night and night sweat meanwhile. My girl’s HIV test was negative. After 6 weeks I had swollen lymph node on the neck, sore throat, fever, general weakness of the body, serious headache, internal non itching rash on my palm. Am I at risk?
Hi Simon, As it says here, we are not set up to answer questions about testing and risks. However, this link will take you to many frequently asked questions about risks and transmission of HIV, so your question is probably covered. But, it sounds like you do have symptoms. It’s a good idea to go to the doctor and ask for some tests for them.
Hi Bernard,
How long have you been on medication for? What was your viral load when you started medication? What meds are you taking?
My viral load is 3979. I take my drugs like the doctor says, what can I do to decrease my viral load?
Hi Victor,
When someone starts ARVs their viral load will begin to decrease as soon as the first meds get into a persons system. Ideally a persons viral load should become undetectable within 3 months. However this can be longer especially if someone starts with a very high viral load. This is why it should be monitored.
Your CD4 will rise, though at a slower rate to your viral load decrease. When someone is on meds the damage to their CD4 is minimal if not negligible.
My viral load is 1075000, and my CD4 counts was 72 a month back. My med has started almost imidiately because there were no sign of tb. I m taking Viraday, it’s been 24 day now. Does HIV-1 virus damages CD4 even when you are in med? How long my viral load will take to be controlled and when does the CD4 start increasing? Please help me to understand.