
I have a high viral load and my headache is getting worse

I am HIV positive and have got a very high viral load my problem is two days ago I developed a mildish headache and woke up with an even worse one that during the day go worse. By the next day it felt like my skull was been squeezed folled by sensivety to all light. By now my neck feels stiff and the pain to the back left of my head is unbearable and I can’t put my head down with the pain been very bad.


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry to hear you are feeling so bad.

You need to go and see your doctor as soon as possible to find out what is causing this level of pain. If you experience any symptoms as severe as you are describing should go straight to your GP and ask for an emergency appointment.

If you have a high viral load (over 100,000 copies/mL) this can be a reason to start treatment earlier. For more information please follow this link.

I hope you feel better soon


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Yingyong, the first thing to focus on will be yp undestand what caused this. And also to test again to see if the results are undetectable again. The doctor will probably ask about adherence, side effects, any new meds that could interact, recent infections or vaccinations etc.

    If viral load stay this high or becomes higher, it might be important to change to new HIV meds.

    The risk of transmission is still low, but it is better to use a condom until viral load is undetectable again.

  2. Yingyong

    Someone who has had an undetectable viral load for Like 9 years. Then recently had a viral load of 1,300.
    Is there a risk of transmission.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jhon,

    How long have you been taking ART? What ART are you taking? What time of the day do you take it?

  4. Jhon

    After taking ART I have a severe headache throughout the day specially in morning.hiw can i control this

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Fatima,

    Given that this persons viral load is 200,000 they’ll need to change. This is because the meds that they are on are no longer working like they should do. This will need to be discussed with a doctor. There’s more about this here:

  6. Fatima

    A child was born with hiv in december 1999 after he is 6 years old he was stated ARV lamovudin zidovuden and nevirapin, and he is taking the twaic daly for 13 years now, and sometimes he use to forget takin 3 to 4 tablets in a month. now his viral loard is high more than 200,000 copies we have canceled him on how to take it on time, also we bought Cellgevity food supliment for him. I need your advice can he continue for 3 month to repeat his viral loard? or can he go for second line drogs? because no any sing or symptoms on him for now. help me please. I am confuse because he is too Yong to start a second line drugs. thank you for your time

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sharon,

    When starting meds a person’s viral load should become undetectable within 1-3 months of starting treatment. Yours may have be undetectable, however it may still be detectable. Unless your viral load is undetectable then your partner will be at risk.

  8. sharon

    hae i was diagnosed with hiv and started my treatment on September this year my viral load has not been tested yet but am afraid since engaged in unprotected sex come October is my partner at a high risk of getting infected or the virus is suppressed since am on drugs.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Olivia,

    What medication is your aunt taking?

  10. olivia

    Hi my aunt has just started on anew arvs for a month now but the dizness is on and off sometimes she feels headache and the head is too heavy for she takes them during daytime I need ur help its really bothering me


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