Q and A


Can I take antibiotics with my ARVs?

I am not currently needing meds for myself but am on Kaletra and Combivir as I am pregnant, I have been to the out of hours doctor today and I have been diagnosed with a kidney infection, he has prescribed Cephalexin. I didnt want to discuss my other treatment with him and I cannot get hold of my HIV doc to double check its ok to take the antibiotics with the other drugs, please could you advise.


Thank you for your question.

You should be fine to take cephalexin with your current HIV meds. There are no reported interactions. However, if you experience any symptoms after you have started taking these drugs you should contact your HIV doctor as soon as possible.

Congratulations on the pregnancy!


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Alex,

    It’s great that there are no side effects. Have you talked to the doctor about your results? Checking your viral load, CD4 count and other monitoring tests for infection, can tell how well the treatment (ART) is going.

    There’s detailed info in the i-Base Introduction to ART.

  2. Alex

    I was diagnosed with HIV and my doctor prescribed Atripla with Purbac double strength. I have been on this for 6 months. No side effects. Should I continue with same combination?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Charles,
    The Liverpool HIV drug interactions website says: “There is a potential interaction likely to be of weak intensity with tenofovir. Additional action/monitoring or dosage adjustment is unlikely to be required.” Efavirenz and emtricitabine are not likely to have a potential interaction. You can use this website to look for other potential interactions.

  4. Charles

    I’m taking (Tenofovir, efavirenz and emtricitabine) if I have a Cough can I take together the Cefalexin Capsules?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Peggy,

    What exactly were you given?

  6. Peggy

    Hi i ws at de dentist for teeth cleaning and have been given betamox 500mg with the other antibiotics dt are round small mayb 200mg white like panado. Can i take if am on arvs (tenofovir, efavirenz and emtricitabine )

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Francis,

    If you’ve been given efavirenz then yes there can be an interaction with Doxcycline. Though not ciproflaxine. What meds were you given?

  8. Francis

    Does Ciproflaxine and Doxcycline reduce the efficacy of PEP?

  9. Robin Jakob


    If you send and email with the names of your ARVs to questions@i-base.info i can let you know if you can take them with flygil.

  10. Patrick

    Can I take my Arv with antibiotics(flygil)I have lung abscess.


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