Q and A


Can I take antibiotics with my ARVs?

I am not currently needing meds for myself but am on Kaletra and Combivir as I am pregnant, I have been to the out of hours doctor today and I have been diagnosed with a kidney infection, he has prescribed Cephalexin. I didnt want to discuss my other treatment with him and I cannot get hold of my HIV doc to double check its ok to take the antibiotics with the other drugs, please could you advise.


Thank you for your question.

You should be fine to take cephalexin with your current HIV meds. There are no reported interactions. However, if you experience any symptoms after you have started taking these drugs you should contact your HIV doctor as soon as possible.

Congratulations on the pregnancy!


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Leronti,

    I’m sorry to hear this. Did the clinic tell you why they are not giving you ARVs? What ARVs were you taking?

    However, ARVs are the only treatment for HIV. If the doctor has given you antibiotics they can help with other infections, but not with HIV.

    If you live in South Africa the Treatment Action Campaign can offer support. Here’s a link to their contact page.

  2. Leronti

    Hi I am HIV +, and um on ARVs for how two year and my viral load is undetectable . So wanted to know , I was given Dezzpen250 no ARVs, is that ok ?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Memory,

    Are you saying that you were breastfeeding your child when she wasn’t on medication? Are you yourself on medication? If you are what is your viral load?

  4. MemoryNyale

    I started breastfeeding my baby for 3days without prevention am scared is my child fine

  5. Lisa Thorley
  6. Leonard

    Currently I’m taking arv, efavir + tenof-em. I didn’t manage to see my doctor coz I’m out of town. The local doctor prescribed me with c-flox 500 and mefenamic 500 as I have fever and sore throat. Is it okay to take them?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Patricia,

    What ARVs are you taking?

  8. Patricia

    Hi my name is patricia i am on ARVs and i was given moxymax antibiotics is it okay to use both?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Mary,
    What HIV meds are you using? Antibiotics can be used with HIV meds. But some antibiotics can interact with some HIV meds. So it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about this and make sure it’s not a problem.

  10. Mary

    Hi,I’m Mary just need to know that i can use antibiotics while I’m using HIV meds


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