Q and A


Can I take antibiotics with my ARVs?

I am not currently needing meds for myself but am on Kaletra and Combivir as I am pregnant, I have been to the out of hours doctor today and I have been diagnosed with a kidney infection, he has prescribed Cephalexin. I didnt want to discuss my other treatment with him and I cannot get hold of my HIV doc to double check its ok to take the antibiotics with the other drugs, please could you advise.


Thank you for your question.

You should be fine to take cephalexin with your current HIV meds. There are no reported interactions. However, if you experience any symptoms after you have started taking these drugs you should contact your HIV doctor as soon as possible.

Congratulations on the pregnancy!


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Hellen,

    Yes antibiotics can be used when someone is using Atrozia.

  2. Hellen


    Am using Atroiza (pep)

    Am also given antibiotics to treat Candida it is safe to take them?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anastasia,

    Were you told why you needed to switch?
    With regards to possible blood clots, does this sound familiar? https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/blood-clots/#:~:text=Symptoms%20of%20a%20blood%20clot,cough%20or%20coughing%20up%20blood
    Have you discussed this with your doctor?

  4. Anastasia

    Hi, I Am HIV +, at first I was taking Tenofovir desoproxil fumarate 300mg/Efavirenz 600mg/ Emtricitabine 200mg, it’s been two months now they changed me to Dolutegravir 50mg,Lamivudine 300mg & Tenofovir desoproxil fumarate 300mg. I now feel the blood clots under my skin. Um scared. What could be the problem? Is that medication ok? Should I be worried?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Angeline,

    Due to an increased risk of transmission, babies born to positive mothers need to be either breastfeed of formula fed. Therefore, mixed feeding isn’t advised. Depending on where you live, breastfeeding may not be advised, as is the case in the UK.

  6. Angeline

    Can a baby be mixed fed
    Formula Milk + Breast Milk.
    Baby is 2 Months old

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Marjorie,

    What ARVs are you taking? What antibiotic’s are you wanting to take.

  8. Marjorie

    Can I take Arv’s with antibiotics?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sthe,

    If you were to breastfeed in the UK your baby would be on ARVs for the whole time that you breastfeed. However, this varies from country to country. Are the clinic aware that you’re still breastfeeding?

  10. Sthe

    Hi my name Sthe I’m HiV +I have a 6 weeks old bby after birth she was given NVP and at 6 weeks they gave her Ilvitrim suspension is it still OK cause I am breastfeeding


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