Q and A


Can I take antibiotics with my ARVs?

I am not currently needing meds for myself but am on Kaletra and Combivir as I am pregnant, I have been to the out of hours doctor today and I have been diagnosed with a kidney infection, he has prescribed Cephalexin. I didnt want to discuss my other treatment with him and I cannot get hold of my HIV doc to double check its ok to take the antibiotics with the other drugs, please could you advise.


Thank you for your question.

You should be fine to take cephalexin with your current HIV meds. There are no reported interactions. However, if you experience any symptoms after you have started taking these drugs you should contact your HIV doctor as soon as possible.

Congratulations on the pregnancy!


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi, yes you can. It is safe to take these together. There is no interaction between the ARVs you have mentioned and Oxytetracycline.

  2. Anonymous

    Hi can I take oxytetracycline with arvs I’m on tenofovir Lamividine and dolutegravir

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ten, there is a potential interaction between Efavirenz and Doxycycline. It would be best to discuss this with your doctor. There may be another medication more suitable for you to take.

  4. Ten

    Im currently taking Efavirenz, Tenofovir and Lamivudine can I take Doxycycline 100mg?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Red, there is a potential for an interaction between Efavirenz and Clindamycin. If you speak yo your pharmacist or doctor there may be a more suitable antibiotic for you to take. As for Cefuroxime there are no interactions between any of the HIV medications you have mentioned.

  6. Red

    Hi I’m taking ARV for HIV treatment (Efavirenz, Tenofovir and Lamivudine) ,
    Can I take also antibiotics like Clindamycin 300mg and Cefuroxime 500mg?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anonymous,

    Which ARVs are you taking?

  8. Anonymous

    Can I take tetralysal antibiotics while om on ARV treatment?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Gigi,

    Yes it’s OK to take Amoxicillin when you’re taking the ARVs that you’re taking.

  10. Gigi

    Hi, please can I take Amoxicillin 125 mg? I’m on Tenofovir 200 mg and Tivicau 50mg.


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