Q and A


My husband just told me he is HIV positive…..

My husband told me he has HIV 2 months ago after marrying me 5 months ago.

I was pregnant had a miscarriage and he continued to have unprotected sex with me knowing he is HIV positive. One weekend I traveled out of town with the kids. He was able to have time alone to reflect on his past and the guilt of exposing himself to me.

After a while he told me he has HIV. My body felt weak, empty and then my temperature rose, I was angry. He was hoping that I loved him so much that by that time I would not leave. I felt so betrayed, stupid and foolish, and then I knew how much I do love him. I immediately stated I needed to get tested. I was so scared. We drove home and we closed ourselves in our bathroom to prevent the children from hearing me cry and cry.

The next morning I was afraid to go to a clinic……


Thank you for your question.

Unfortunately the end was cut off. If you want to ask the question again I will gladly try to help where I can.

It is always extremely difficult finding out that someone you love has HIV. I understand that you are scared and angry. You need to also think how hard it must have been for your husband to tell you about his status. Now that you know about this you can plan for the future together.

Firstly you need to get yourself tested. You need to work with your husband to decide how best to support each other. If you are negative then you need to think about how to remain negative, if you are positive then you need to get access to the healthcare you require and get all the information you need to ensure you are able to make informed decisions about your health.

With the treatment available today people with HIV can lead long, normal, healthy and happy lives. It is also possible to have children together whether you are HIV positive or HIV negative. For more information please follow this link. You and your husband need to come to terms with this together, whatever your test result may be.


  1. Leune

    I understand how you are feeling.My husband of 11 years is positive and he didnt disclose to me also.we we using condoms as he had a problem with cheating.after learning of his status,he corrected his cheating ways,i started to trust him again not knowing he was pos.we had unprotected sex many times and he always had an excuse when i asked him to go with me for testing.u may read my post in dec 2010,with heading’will i test positive someday’im still with him and life goes on.