Q and A


Does green tea interact with ARVs?

I was reading about the benefits of green tea in link below:

Can taking green tea interfere with ARVs?


Thank you for your question.

Green Tea has not been scientifically proven to have anti-HIV properties as this website states. You have to be careful what you are reading. There are millions of people who believe they have the cure to HIV but in reality, if it were true, there would be no need for ARVs.

However, green tea is a good antioxidant and a healthy thing to drink. It does not interfere with any ARVs.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi shanyengange,

    Yes you can have a beer if you’re taking meds and at the time you’ve indicated.

  2. shanyengange

    Can I drink 1 beer at 13:00pm while I’m taking my ARV pill at 9:30pm?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Val,

    No. However, what’s the reason behind drinking these? If its to help your HIV, these won’t work.

  4. Val Anthony

    Does moringa tea leaves and soursop tea leaves affect ARV’s??

  5. Eddie

    Can I take dandelion green tea while I am on arvs therapy

  6. Simon Collins

    Yes, all fine. The doctor needs to look at issues of weight.

  7. Robin Jakob


    Green tea does not interact with ARVs. So enjoy!

  8. Solomon

    I am taking ARVs, can i still drink green tea, lung cleansing green tea, detox green tea, or any other green tea?

  9. Simon Collins

    Creams and gels do not interact with HIV drugs.

  10. Mwangala

    Does Aloe Vera Gel interact with ARVs.


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