Q and A


Does green tea interact with ARVs?

I was reading about the benefits of green tea in link below:

Can taking green tea interfere with ARVs?


Thank you for your question.

Green Tea has not been scientifically proven to have anti-HIV properties as this website states. You have to be careful what you are reading. There are millions of people who believe they have the cure to HIV but in reality, if it were true, there would be no need for ARVs.

However, green tea is a good antioxidant and a healthy thing to drink. It does not interfere with any ARVs.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    HI Buyiswa, yes you can drink senna leaves while on ARVs. There will be no interaction between these senna leaves and your treatment.

  2. Buyiswa

    Can I drink Senna leaves while on ARV’s

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Yohannes, yes you can. There is no interaction between green tea and HIV treatment.


    can i take my arvs with green tea?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Polly, yes you can drink Kuding tea. There is no interaction between ARVs and this tea. You can take them together.

  6. Polly

    Hi. Can I drink Kuding tea whilst taking ARV’s.

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mbaliza, your body is able to naturally ‘cleanse’ itself. This is what the kidneys do. There are no teas or cleanses that are back by evidence to suggest they ‘detox’ your body.

    Your kidneys are naturally able to handle the medication.

  8. Mbaliza

    Hi I’m on Asthma chronic and Arvs I am drinking green teas almost everyday to detox too much medicine on my body to keep my system healthy most my kidneys and liver is it oukay or there is something else to use to clean my system

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nana, Symtuza does not cause irregularities with your period. Being on treatment is also the best way to conceive when HIV positive – it keeps both you and baby healthy. There is no risk to baby to continue with Symtuza when pregnant.

    As you have been experiencing these hot flashes for the last 3 years it is important you speak to a doctor.

  10. Nana

    Hi, thanks for the reply. Yes I’ve been on medication since I was tested positive, right now I’m on SYMTUZA and I’ve been undetectable for about 3 years now. I haven’t spoken to my doctor yet about the hotflashes.

    I’ve been trying to conceive since the last year but nothing due to the irregular cycle since last year but nothing.

    Thank you.


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