Q and A


Does green tea interact with ARVs?

I was reading about the benefits of green tea in link below:

Can taking green tea interfere with ARVs?


Thank you for your question.

Green Tea has not been scientifically proven to have anti-HIV properties as this website states. You have to be careful what you are reading. There are millions of people who believe they have the cure to HIV but in reality, if it were true, there would be no need for ARVs.

However, green tea is a good antioxidant and a healthy thing to drink. It does not interfere with any ARVs.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nana, are you on any HIV treatment? and if so what treatment?

    As you have been experiencing these symptoms for the last 5 years, have you spoken to a doctor about this?

  2. Nana

    Hi, I’ve been HIV positive for the past 5 years my cycle has been irregular since year and I have been experiencing hot flashes recently, thus it means menopause? I’m in my late 30s. Thank you..

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Millicent, what specific cells are low? Are you talking about your CD4 count?

    To improve your CD4 count the best and only way to do this is taking ARVs. The increase is slow, but there is nothing else that will help this number increase.

    For your red blood cells it is best to discuss this with your doctor. There are a number of reasons for this being low and needs to be addressed by a healthcare provider. This makes sure you do the right thing to improve your red blood cell number.

  4. Millicent

    Im on ARVs,my white and red blood cells are low what can I eat to boost my blood cells please help

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Petty, sorry to hear that you have only recently found out about your HIV status.

    How long have you been on your Tb medication? and what HIV medication are you taking?

    The Allegrex will be used to help prevent any allergic reactions if this is what you are experiencing.

    Are you experiencing any other symptoms from the medication you are taking?

  6. Petty

    Hi i have just found out am Hiv positive, two weeks after starting may Medsi developed a rush on my chest, a week after went off. Now 3days ago,,came to my face,am bruised it is red.ichy.my face is swollen. I went back to the clinic..they have said i should stop TB treatment and continue with ARV..my worry is this cream doesnt work,they also gave me Allergex i feel is not enough.where can i go to get a serious help.

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tbose, there is no risk to your boyfriend. While you are undetectable you are untrasmittable. U=U explains this further: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  8. Tbose

    My viral load is undetectable.n I slept with my bf last night without condom.what a risk?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Thabang, there is no explicit evidence to suggest there is an interaction. However this does also mean that there is nothing to say there won’t be. As with all herbal remedies/medication it is best to discuss this with your prescribing doctor/pharmacist before starting. Guava leaves have been identified to impact on other drug concentrations so it is important to check this. Also, as PEP is only a short course, you could consider avoiding gauava leaves for the 28 days you remain on PEP.

  10. Thabang

    Can I drink guava leave while on pep medication


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