Q and A


Does green tea interact with ARVs?

I was reading about the benefits of green tea in link below:

Can taking green tea interfere with ARVs?


Thank you for your question.

Green Tea has not been scientifically proven to have anti-HIV properties as this website states. You have to be careful what you are reading. There are millions of people who believe they have the cure to HIV but in reality, if it were true, there would be no need for ARVs.

However, green tea is a good antioxidant and a healthy thing to drink. It does not interfere with any ARVs.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Parmeshwar, having you been taking Virady while you have been undetectable?

  2. Parmeshwar

    I get viraday tablet continue from last 3 mont when my hiv viral load undertakeble

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Suzan, sorry to hear about the hot flushes and night sweats. Talking with your doctor or pharmacist will be a good place to have a discussion about this. But in short, no. Menoforce will not interact with your ARVs. The active ingredient is sage and this has no known interaction with HIV medication.

  4. Suzan

    Hi Lisa, I’m taking ARV, s and struggling with severe hot flushes and night sweat can I take A vogel menoforce to treat the hot flushes? Will it interact with my ARV Meds? Please advice. Thank you

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Dee,

    Without knowing what’s in the slimming tea and what ARVs it is that you’re taking, it’s not possible to say. However, tea won’t make you lose weight, to lose weight people need to exercise and have a healthy diet.

  6. Dee

    Hey I’ve been on my ARVs for 3 months is it advisable I take slimming tea

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mabatho,

    If you’re asking if you can take weight loss aids, please see Q 13 here: https://i-base.info/qa/what-are-the-most-asked-questions
    Yes you can drink green tea.

  8. Mabatho

    Hey I’m taking ARVs can i drink green tea flat tummy and capsules?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Precious,

    What’s your viral load? Are you adhering to your medication?

  10. Precious

    Hi I’m on treatment for 5year now I just started to drink flat Tummy tea for belly recently I just arrived my result now my viral load has decreased and I do take my medication well can it be that tea?


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