Q and A


How can I get my CD4 count to increase?

Hi – what can I do to help increase my CD4? I have just found out I am at undetectable level after 8 weeks on treatment which is great. my CD4 has gone from 95 to 166 (after 4 weeks) and is now 173 after 8 weeks. I know it can take time for the CD4 to recover when the base level is low as mine but I am still disheartened as I was really hoping for it to have rebounded a bit better than this. What can I do to help it increase? Many thanks for your advice.


Thank you for your question.

Your CD4 count is doing really well and increasing nicely. Most people take 6-12 months for their CD4 counts to increase significantly. You are doing really well and have nothing to feel disheartened about.

There is very little anyone can do to increase their CD4 counts accept using HIV treatment which you are already doing. However, there are some things that you can do to maintain your CD4 count and ensure it stays up. This includes eating a healthy balanced diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, not getting stressed out, not smoking, drinking alcohol in moderation and generally looking after yourself.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi KKlove. I know this must seem a great shock but you will be okay and things will get easier. HIV meds are very effective. Life expectancy for someone in your situation depends on where you live. In the UK, for a 20-year old diagnosed today it is about 70 years old. Please see these links.
    Just diagnosed:
    About treatment:

  2. KKlove

    Hi. I am diagnosed last sept. 2 im still on the process of knowing what meds are i am going to take. I am very confused right now. I am still in shock and depression. I am only 20 years old. Will i still live longer? Thanks

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Arun, which country are you in?

    With a CD4 count this low, you need to start antiretroviral treatment (ARVs) – also called ART.

    This is very important. Your doctor needs to give you more than just Septrin.

    There is no food that can increase your CD4 count – only ARVs.

  4. arun

    currently my CD4 is 42 & my CD4% is 5.14. I am only gatting only Septrin 100 mg per day. please advise what to do & also which product eat than incrich my CD.

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Pavan, your CD4 count is still very good. Don;t worry about this. Now you are on treatment the CD4 count will go up higher again. I am sure the meds are also good but I need the names of the medicines to give more information.

  6. Pavan

    My cd4 is 196 which is said to be in Aids stage ..m already facing dry cough n watery motions …I have just started taking sample medicine from govt hospital ..can I survive ..are govt medicines are good ?m really confused help me..

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi KKKN

    This might nt be a real drop. The first CD4 might have been unuallly high and the next one was just normalised again. There is a good chance that your next test will be higher. You could also ask your doctor whether you CD4 percentage (CD4%) has changed. This is usually more stable.

  8. KKKN

    Hi,I started CD4 counts of 578 before HIV treatment.My CD4 counts decrease to 423 in 3 months after taking ART.I don’t know why.Please,give me advice to increase CD4 counts.

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Akande

    Your clinic needs to know about any symptoms. This can’t be done online and i-Base are not doctors. If it important to speak to your doctor about this.

  10. akande

    Am taking my drug regularly but am still coughing and having chest pains what may be the cause


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