Q and A


How can I get my CD4 count to increase?

Hi – what can I do to help increase my CD4? I have just found out I am at undetectable level after 8 weeks on treatment which is great. my CD4 has gone from 95 to 166 (after 4 weeks) and is now 173 after 8 weeks. I know it can take time for the CD4 to recover when the base level is low as mine but I am still disheartened as I was really hoping for it to have rebounded a bit better than this. What can I do to help it increase? Many thanks for your advice.


Thank you for your question.

Your CD4 count is doing really well and increasing nicely. Most people take 6-12 months for their CD4 counts to increase significantly. You are doing really well and have nothing to feel disheartened about.

There is very little anyone can do to increase their CD4 counts accept using HIV treatment which you are already doing. However, there are some things that you can do to maintain your CD4 count and ensure it stays up. This includes eating a healthy balanced diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, not getting stressed out, not smoking, drinking alcohol in moderation and generally looking after yourself.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Kelvin. In the UK the CD4 test would be run again to check if this is a real drop. So one explanation is that the test might be wrong. It is best to check this first. Ask for your CD4 percentage (CD4%) from both tests. Otherwise these results are unusual in such a short time. Even if you had drug resistance this would be unusual. If the CD4 result is confirmed as being lower, it is probably better to change treatment. Do you have viral load testing at your clinic?

  2. kelvin

    Please I started taking ARV in Dec 2015 and my CD4 was 340, I tested for CD4 on July 2016 and it has dropped to 140, what could be the cause and I have been taking my ARV regularly.

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Vinay. This sounds like a good time to start treatment. You CD4 count should then start to slowly increase. Each person is fdiffcerent so it in not possible to say have quickly or slowly this might take. Usually within three months you should see some change.

  4. vinay

    My cd4 is 237 I will take pills. I want to know my cd4 increased

  5. Roy Trevelion

    I’m sorry, you sound very ill at the moment.

    It’s important that you call your doctor and get expert advice on what to do. It’s serious if you are too weak to eat and drink properly.

    Please let me know how you get on.

    Best wishes, Roy

  6. Anji

    My CD4 count is of 70 last 2 months back, but now I didnt check for CD4 I’m too weak now even unable to take lunch tifin also only small glass of fruit juice only per day not able to sit and stand please tell me how increase my count and how to take food

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Gladys, It’s good that you’re taking ARVs and doing fine. However, CD4 counts can go up and down – even during a single day.

    It’s important that viral load is undetectable, this can help keep your CD4 count stronger.

    A similar question has been answered in more detail here:

  8. Gladys

    I started to test in 2004 and my CD4 count was 486. In 2010 I tested again my CD4 count was 460 until I tested again in 2016 and it was dropped to 250, I’m taking ARV I’m doing fine.

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Does that mean that your previous CD4 count was higher?

    Your viral load will tell you if there’s a problem digesting your meds. If viral load is undetectable it means that you are digesting the medicine.

    However, it’s normal for CD4 counts to go up and down. Here’s a similar question about this:

  10. Sasi

    Hi I’m getting ART medicine. Last CD4 355, perhaps medicine is not digesting


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