Q and A


Can I get treatment in Vietnam?


I was diagnosed with HIV several months ago. I think i have contracted HIV from oral sex.

Since the treatment of HIV in Vietnam is still very poor, can i just buy medicine (like Truvada or Atripla) from overseas and use it my self. As i know ARV is now availiable in Vietnam but i cant keep HIV+ live as long as HAART. Can i just take ARV first and then i switch to HAART?




When to start treatment is mainly based on your symptoms and then results from your CD4 count and viral load tests.

So talking to your doctor about these results and the need for treatment is a good place to start.

There will be lots of drugs available in Vietnam that you can use, probably including the ones that you mentioned. These may be cheaper and easier to get than having to travel abroad, but  you could also get treatment visiting a doctor in another country.

All HIV drugs need a doctors prescription.

Also, your question is not clear about some of the words you used. ARV stand for ‘antiretrovirals’ and this is just another name for any HIV drug.

HAART stands for Highly Active AntiRetroviral Treatment and refers to a combination of drugs (usually three or four drugs).

So Atripla contains three ARVs (efavirenz, tenofovir and FTC) but is also HAART.

Truvada contains only two ARVs (tenofovir and FTC) and needs a third drug in a combination to be called HAART.

When you need to start treatment you need to start with HAART. Taking just one or two ARVs would not be strong enough and would lead to developing drug resistance.

Please let me know if you’d like information about the drugs that your doctor talks to you about.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Charles, I am sorry but i-Base is in the UK and we have no info about healthcare in Viet Nam. Please contact an HIV in that country for help and info.

  2. Charles

    Considering moving to Ho Chi Minh City but take Triumeq. Along with BP meds and Cholesterol meds. I know I can’t get any insurance bc I’ll be retired but is there a 3rd party insurance that would support me getting my meds ?


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