Q and A


How can I get pregnant when I am HIV positive?

Can you please give me information on the right procedure in getting pregnant when you are HIV positive?


Thank you for your question.

There are different options as regards getting pregnant when you are HIV positive.

The options take into consideration whether your partner is also HIV positive or whether they are HIV negative.

As you have not indicated this in your email, I am sending you our general guide on HIV, pregnancy and women’s health. The guide includes detailed information on the various options available. Please follow this link to this guide to HIV and pregnancy for more information.

Best wishes


  1. Polly

    Am 35 years old . Me and my partner are both HIV positive. Since last month after four days of my menstruation cycle we were on our honeymoon then it happens that we make love without protection and now my breast are getting swollen and gain more weight. I tried to make pregnancy test but the results comes out negative . Should I consult to get clarity of what’s happening or should I wait for this month circle.

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Edwin,

    There’s only an issue if your viral load is detectable. If you’re on medication and your viral load is under control, then there’s no risk. Please see here: http://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  3. Edwin

    Hi my name is Eddy .i am hiv positive but my partner was negative when i slep t with her so my question is could my partner and the babby also get infected?

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Zama,

    It’s good to hear you are planning to have a child. Many people who are HIV positive now have healthy HIV negative babies.

    But please speak to the doctor and ask whether you can see the fertility clinic.

    Here’s the guide to HIV pregnancy and women’s health.

  5. Zama

    Hey .
    Me and my partner we are HIV positive and we are taking the treatment but we are trying to have child but no luck what should I do ??

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Saba,

    Your HIV is under control, therefore if you are ready to start trying for a child then your HIV shouldn’t be an issue. Please see here for more info: http://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy

  7. Saba

    My viral load is 30 and cd4 is 537 so is it safe to get pregnant with numbers please advise me thanks

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Gloria,

    Please can you clarify your question?

  9. gloria

    Gloria im hiv but im drink the arvs so now i need a baby now i have menstruation every month what caused it its

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lindiwe,

    If the question is, Can we have a baby if one of us is HIV positive? Then the answer is Yes! With HIV treatment http://i-base.info/having-a-baby/.

    Are you on HIV treatment (ART). If you are and you have an undetectable viral load then you cannot transmit HIV to your partner even if you don’t use condoms.

    Here’s an Introduction to ART. There’s lots of info here about starting HIV treatment.

    And here’s the guide to HIV pregnancy and women’s health. This can help you plan your kids, and help them to be HIV negative.


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