Q and A


My CD-4 cell count is 122. How do I boost them to get a higher count?


The only way to boost your CD4 count is to use HIV treatment (ARVs).

No other approach has shown any significant short-term or, most importantly, long-term way of stopping HIV-related CD4 losses.

HIV treatment should reduce viral load to undetectable, and then your immune system has a chance to repair itself and become stronger again.

All treatment guidelines recommend that someone with a CD4 count that is under 200 should start ARV treatment, Recently, some guidelines have shifted to earlier treatment – when CD4 is between 200 and 350, or before it falls to below 350 cells/mm3.

Other things can play a part – for example good diet and nutrition – will help you get the most from treatment, but nutrition and diet on their own will not be enough.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mckenzo, yes you can have a child. If you are on medication and are undetectable there is no risk to you or your future baby. Please see this previous question: https://i-base.info/qa/12132

  2. Mckenzo

    Hie can i have a child when i HIV positive me and my wife

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Bheki, Yes, your question has already been answered here.

  4. Bheki

    Hi l’m HIV positive my CD4 count is 640 can l start taking ARV’s?

  5. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Tandaza,
    There is no way to increase your CD4 count without ARVs. Many women do choose to stop treatment after giving birth and it’s fine if you want to do this. Your CD4 count will decrease over time though, until the point you need to restart treatment. Please see our pregnancy guide for more info.

  6. tandaza

    Hello. My CD4 count was 740 and something before I start treatment because I was pregnant. Now it is at 600 and my doctor suggested that I can stop it because I’m not breast feeding. My viral load it is undetectable, now that I’m stopping treatment, how do I increase my CD4 cells without treatment? Thank you


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