
What do reactive negative/non-reactive results mean?

My ex had a rapid test and the results on the paper was reactive negative/non-reactive. He told me that the doctor said the result was positive. I googled and on your feedbacks say that it is negative – I am confused and scared now. Can you please clarify this for me?


  • A non-reactive result means HIV negative.
  • A reactive result means you might be HIV positive.  A second test is needed to confirm the results
  • An indeterminate results mean the test results was unclear and needs another test.

There is no such thing as a reactive negative result. This might be a communication error from the test centre. Please contact the testing clinic for clarification.

Please see Q8 at this link:

The FAQ page on testing also has more information:

Note: This answer was updated in January 2018 from a question first posted online in November 2011.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zama,

    Because you’re negative, it’s not possible that your daughter is positive. Therefore, you will need to talk to a doctor about your child’s health.

  2. Zama

    I just found out that the father of my baby is HIV positive.He was HIV positive before I meet him he Did not told me.I fell pregnant by 2013 I also tested my results was negative.Since my results was negative I did not tested the baby.I breastfeed my gal now is 2 years I’m confused now cos she is not gaining a weight and she is not have an appetite to eat.We break up wth her father when i was pregnant.Am scared my be my child is affected bt I also check after the delivery I was still negative.I don’t know my blood type.

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Yvonne, your doctor needs to explain these result but it looks like you are HIV positive and don’t need another test This is because the last laboratory test was negative (non reactive). Please see question 1 at this link:

  4. Yvonne

    My doctor test me September 20th, and my test came back positive negative negative. Then 10 days later she test me again it came back positive indeterminate and negative . Then i waited til October11th and the rapid test said negative and they sent the blood work off to a lab and everything comes back non active, please tell me by all this, do i have to do another test?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Mani, please see this link for information about testing:

  6. mani

    Three months completed ..first time i took hiv 1 test and ten days before i took hiv 2 elisa test…in that report the mention as non -reactive …can i afraid for anything in future

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Ran, if you never went back for the results how do you expect me to help? This is sometime to ask the clinic.

  8. Ran

    I called the clinic to ask for my test results of STD’s / HIV include and she told me everything was normal. What does that means? Since I never got a call or went back to get the results.

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi R – negative and non-reactive are just words than mean the same thing. There is not a conspiracy about this.

  10. R

    I have a rash and my test were all non reactive but non reactive probably means u have like a percentage of the disease. if u didnt have anything ur test would say negative. the government doesnt want us to know that we are dying.