
What do reactive negative/non-reactive results mean?

My ex had a rapid test and the results on the paper was reactive negative/non-reactive. He told me that the doctor said the result was positive. I googled and on your feedbacks say that it is negative – I am confused and scared now. Can you please clarify this for me?


  • A non-reactive result means HIV negative.
  • A reactive result means you might be HIV positive.  A second test is needed to confirm the results
  • An indeterminate results mean the test results was unclear and needs another test.

There is no such thing as a reactive negative result. This might be a communication error from the test centre. Please contact the testing clinic for clarification.

Please see Q8 at this link:

The FAQ page on testing also has more information:

Note: This answer was updated in January 2018 from a question first posted online in November 2011.


  1. Simon Collins

    This service is only about HIV. Non-reactive for an HIV test means that you don’t have HIV. Please talk to your doctor.

  2. Rsgupta

    My blood test for chikungunya1mg shows. Non reactive
    Do I have chikungunya
    My platelets count is 78000

  3. Simon Collins

    Anyone who is prescribed medical treatment has a right to understand what the treatment is for. Please speak to your doctor about this.

  4. suzan

    I was pregnant the results non-reactive but at the clinic they gave me a treatment

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Benepron – I am sorry that you have to ask the test centre this. I do not know what it menas.

  6. Bendapron

    Hello…….what does Tr mean after an Hiv test (like putting tr. instead of postive or negative

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi, Sometimes people can live with HIV for a long time before they get HIV symptoms. So it could be true, even if you have no signs of HIV related illness. It’s important for your baby’s health that you go on treatment if you’re HIV positive. You can ask the nurse for a test to confirm the result.

  8. Stella

    I was pregnant and went for check up because I had malaria. The nurse told me that I’m positive but I’m not contented with the test because I have no signs for HIV. Is it true?

  9. Simon Collins

    Please talk to your test site or clinic about questions about your results.

  10. Marilu

    If a person did the test of VIH and is positive but it says no reactive at the other exterm of the test paper i don’t understand