
What do reactive negative/non-reactive results mean?

My ex had a rapid test and the results on the paper was reactive negative/non-reactive. He told me that the doctor said the result was positive. I googled and on your feedbacks say that it is negative – I am confused and scared now. Can you please clarify this for me?


  • A non-reactive result means HIV negative.
  • A reactive result means you might be HIV positive.  A second test is needed to confirm the results
  • An indeterminate results mean the test results was unclear and needs another test.

There is no such thing as a reactive negative result. This might be a communication error from the test centre. Please contact the testing clinic for clarification.

Please see Q8 at this link:

The FAQ page on testing also has more information:

Note: This answer was updated in January 2018 from a question first posted online in November 2011.


  1. Simon Collins

    There is no such thing as an HIV carrier – someone either has HIV or they don’t.

    Please see this FAQ page:

    Or in this online guide:
    HIV testing and risk of transmission

  2. Peter zulu

    Does an hiv carier test positive

  3. Simon Collins

    If you are asking about a test results, then please ask the person that gave you this result.

    It sounds like it might just mean “negative”.

  4. amalia

    Wat does presumed negative means

  5. Robin Jakob

    Hi you can find the information in the question and answer above.

  6. Aung

    Why didn’t the test mention Negative or Positive clearly?
    May be confused on non-reactive or reactive.

  7. Robin Jakob

    Please check the answer to the question above for the info you are looking for.

  8. raph

    I tested for HIV and my result is non reactive. What does this mean?

  9. Robin Jakob


    If your test was taken more than 4 weeks after an exposure you can assume that it is accurate. They recommend that you take another after 3 months just to make sure.

  10. paeton

    Today i tested for HIV and am negative. They said that i must be tested again after 3 months?