Q and A


I am a South African living in London, can I access HIV treatment?

I am a South African living in London and recently diagnosed HIV +ve.
Can I get access to treatment here in the UK?

Thank you very much for your advice.


Thank you for your question

I am sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. How are you coping?

Access to HIV treatment and care in the UK depends on what country you are from and the type of visa you have. The medications are generally free in the UK for the holders of British, EU passports, as well as people who are here legally for a period of a year or more (working visa, students visa, etc.)

Having said that though, in the UK, access to testing and treatment is generally free at point of care. You may therefore still be able to access treatment depending on where you tested or receive care.This can be regardless of whether you meet the above requirements.

Please follow this link where a similar question has been answered in detail.

If this information is not sufficient and you would like to discuss your situation further, please contact our helpline on 0808 800 6013, and we can talk through your individual circumstances in more detail. The helpline is free from landlines and most mobile phone networks in the UK.

Best wishes


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