Q and A


Is it safe to take TB medication with my ARVs?

Hi. I am HIV positive and on ART for 10 months.

My viral load is undetectable and my CD4 count is 180.

Last month I was suffering form breathing problems. Then I went to the doctor and and found fluid in my lungs. They removed that and now they prescribed me TB medicines along with ART.

My ART meds are: Tavin EM (tenofovir and emtricitabine) in the morning; Atazor R (atazanavir and ritonovir (evening).

I also take ZOCOn 150 (1 tab in a weak) and sepmax (one tab afternoon).

My TB medicine is: (1) Ributin150 1 tab alternate day before breakfast; (2) Wysolone 20 after bf for 15 days; (3) Benadon (half tab after bf); (4) pyrazinamide (750 2 tab after lunch); (5) Combutol (1000 1 tab after dinner).

My question is, along with ART medicine, is this combination good for me or is it going to harm me? Please let me know.


Thank you for your question

I appreciate that it must be difficult for you having to take so many meds at the moment. This will only be for a short time though until the TB is treated.

The TB meds you are taking are recommended for TB. It will therefore not harm you as it is meant to cure the TB. The meds are also routinely prescribed even for people taking HIV meds (called ART), as is your case.

One of your meds, the Wysolone, is or treating breathing difficulties, which is one of the things you mentioned in your email.

Although the TB drugs can be tough and have some side effects, you will only need to take them for about 6 to 12 months, depending on the combination. This is the standard for first line regimen which you are on. It is therefore really important that you take thee meds carefully. This means taking them as prescribed by your doctor.

Missing TB meds can cause drug resistance and even MDR TB (multidrug resistant TB). Treatment for MDR TB is longer and has much nastier side effects, so it is best to adhere to your first line regimen in order to cure the TB and ensure that you don’t develop MDR TB. If you have just started taking the TB meds, you should start to feel better within in 2-3 weeks.

Good luck with completing the remaining meds.

Best wishes.

Further info

TB and HIV coinfection (from the i-Base training manual)

UK (BHIVA) guidelines on HIV and TB coinfection.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zandile,

    As Roy mentioned, i-base advocates aren’t doctors. If there is an issue it needs to be discussed with a doctor.

  2. Zandile

    tanx she dd report at the clinic bt they advice her to continue taking meds bt what i want to knw hw dangerous it is to vomit such a long tym while taking treatment?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sweetness,

    I’m sorry you’re worried. But unfortunately we are not doctors at i-Base.

    But as before, please can you ask at the clinic about the inhaler. You can ask how it fits in as part of your treatment.

  4. sweetness

    I’m on TB treatment also on ART on Saturday night I couldn’t sleep after drinking my ART meds and struggling to breathe I went to the clinic and they gave me an inhaler what could be the cause of that I’m really worried

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Zandile,

    Sorry to hear your sister is not well. But treating HIV and TB can need complex treatment. Please can she talk to the doctor about her meds and the vomiting?

  6. Zandile

    hy I’m Zandile my sister is HIV positive and also have TB and now it’s been 3 month taking treatment of TB and HIV bt still is vomiting what should we do?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sweetness,

    Sorry that you don’t sound well. But it’s important to talk to the clinic about this. Treating HIV and TB together can be complex.

    What does the clinic say about your symptoms?

  8. sweetness

    hi I am on TB treatment as well as ART treatment I drink my TB treatment in the morning and my ART at night 9pm I then feel cold afterwards and cough non stop what can I do plz help

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nkululeko,

    Sorry, it sounds like a tough time for you at the moment. Is Atroiza starting to work? What is your CD4 count and viral load? But if you think that all these meds are making you feel weak you can discuss this with your doctor.

    Treating TB and HIV is complex. So it’s a good idea to talk to the doctor about all your symptoms and ask about your cough, dry throat and blocked nose. Can you find out when you might be able to take fewer pills?

  10. Nkululeko

    Hi I’m taking atrozia as well I’m on tb treatment, and now I’m taking Rifinah, but what I’m always experiencing is that I always coughing and having dry throat and blocked nose since I’ve started tb treatment….and also 2 days ago I fell while going to the toilet and my ankle is making difficult for me to try and walk as I was starting to improve….and doing things by myself….but now even my hands are feeling weak is as if I’m going backwards….after improvement that I’ve made ….could this mean is there a problem…and I’m also taking bactrim, pyradoxin 2tabs and vitamins Bco….and I also started taking painkillers since I’ve had fell …to easy there pain ….could this also contributes towards me feeling weak .


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