Q and A


Can I take steriods if I'm on HIV medication?

Can I take steroids (Anavar, Deca-durabolin, and Test E) if I am on HIV medication (Lexiva, Truvada and Norvir)? Im also planning on Nolvadex and HCG for PCT. Please let me know your thoughts on interactions, and please try to keep it judgement free. Thanks!


As with any supplement or medication (over-the-counter, prescribed or unregulated), this is something that your HIV doctor and/or pharmacist should be aware of.  The limited information below is based on the open access drug interaction website based at Liverpool University – please see this link.

This is not an area where we are specialised. A US activist called Nelson Vergel might be able to help.  He runs yahoo discussion forum called PozHealth that is easy to subscribe to. He has also published two books on HIV and steroid use that should be easy to find on a google/amazon search.

The drugs that you are taking Lexiva (Fosamprenavir), Truvada (Tenofovir + FTC) and Norvir (Ritonovir) do have some interaction with the steriod that you are considering taking.  There are interaction between Fosamprenavir and Ritonovir with Testosterone.  It may require close monitoring, alteration of drug dosage or timing of administration.

I include a PDF file based on your HIV drugs and the steroids Anavar, Deca durabolin and Test E.  There is no data on Nolvadex or HCG.

Please also take a look at this link for more information on steroids


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi John,

    Please see this similar Q&A about taking steroids and HIV medication. You can also check with the HIV drug interecations website here.

  2. John

    Hi im wanting to start a corse of malayan tiger(trenbolone enanthate ) with testenanthate would this have any affect on my truvada and dolutegravir

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Stefan, other than the information above, the are lots of reasons to be very cautious about steroid use. You body will respond to appropriate diet and exercise if you want to work on building muscle – especially if you work with realistic and steady long term goals.

  4. Stefan

    Great to hear some info on steroids and hiv although limited. I m a 55yo and pt and fit but wanting to cut down fat and increase muscle size but not want to affects my hiv Meds and undectable status X


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