
Should I test my children?

I was diagnosed 7 years ago. I am married with 2 children aged 7 and 2. Both my kids
were not planned especially the youngest one because I took every measure
except one time. They are healthy.

Do I need to test them for HIV?

Just last year in November I had sex with my wife and the condom bust. She
has been negative all these years the biggest worry is going for an HIV test. Now my
CD4 count is 980 while my viral load is 200. That was at the end of December.
I am not on treatment for the last 7 year. The highest viral load I have ever had was 600 once but on most occasions it’s between 30 and 250. My doctor says I am non progressive.

What are my future problems?


It is good that you have continued taking precautions and continue to use condoms with your wife.

You first question was whether you should test your children. The main risk in terms of HIV transmission to your children would have been if your wife was HIV positive when she was pregnant.

I can appreciate it  won’t be easy for your wife, however, the best thing to do will be for her to go for a test. Once she knows her result, you will then know what to do next  in terms of whether to test the children. Based on the one off accident with the condom, and your low viral load, she is likely to test negative.

In terms of your own health. Based on your results, you currently have a strong immune system and should continue to be well for a while. The main thing is to ensure you continue being monitored as advised by your doctor.

Please let us know if we can help further, or again in the future.

With best wishes.