Q and A


I am taking PEP, can I have uprotected sex?

I’ve been taking lamzid for 5 days now and I want to find out how this will
affect my pregnant partner when we have unprotected sex?

I am taking lamzid because I slept with someone without a condom and I felt
very unsafe so I went to the doctor within 72 hours and he prescribed lamzid for me.

My pregnant partner is only 7weeks pregnant will this harm our baby?


There is no data on whether PEP can harm the unborn baby. However, unprotected sex whilst you are taking PEP is not recommended. This is because you don’t know your status and you could infect your partner. That is why it is important to wait until you finish the course and have done the follow-up confirmatory test.

For more information on PEP and the risks of sexual transmission, please follow this link to our guide.

Best wishes


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nana, while you are on PEP you are protected from other potential exposures. This is because PEP contains the same drugs as PrEP and can work to prevent transmission. You do not need to extend your course of PEP. There is no risk from this second potential exposure.

  2. nana

    hie im on pep and i had sex with someone and the condom broke.Whats my risk on this as their status is not known

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Davies, as your exposure was protected (used a condom) there is no risk of exposure. You should not have been given PEP as there is no risk of transmission. This will also be true for your partner. Please follow this link for more information: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  4. Davies

    My name is Davies, I had protected sex with a known HIV+ partner, so I was place on PEP within 24hrs of being exposed to it, and I later add sex twice again with my partner withen 7 days while I was still on PEP. And she has being place on her antivirus drugs. I am at risk with the fluid coming in contact with my skin around the genital area. What are my chances of not getting infected despite the fact that am still on PEP?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Chabeli, you still need to wait to confirm your status. PEP is not guaranteed to prevent transmission. You can test from 6 weeks after PEP using a 4th generation test. While you are waiting to test, using a condom or your partner being on PrEP can prevent any risk of transmission.

  6. Chabeli

    Hi , I slept with Hiv+ woman without condom and I started pep before 72 hours now I just finished the 30 days course of pep.can I have unprotected sex with my negative partner

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Magdeline, are you able to go to a health clinic? Needle-stick injuries carry risk of transmission and you will need to discuss the best course of action with a doctor. Is there a reason you think your aunt has HIV?

  8. Magdeline

    Hi there I’m Magdeline I accidentally pricked myself with the needle that my aunt used for her insulin and m suspecting that she’s HIV+so I would like to know what are my chances of catching it

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Meshack, this is not a risk for HIV transmission. As long as the skin is not broken there is no risk.

    Please follow this link for more information: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  10. Meshack

    Hi am Mesh l had a protected sex with a known hiv + partner and l at risk with the fluid coming in contact with my skin around the genital area


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