Q and A


I am taking PEP, can I have uprotected sex?

I’ve been taking lamzid for 5 days now and I want to find out how this will
affect my pregnant partner when we have unprotected sex?

I am taking lamzid because I slept with someone without a condom and I felt
very unsafe so I went to the doctor within 72 hours and he prescribed lamzid for me.

My pregnant partner is only 7weeks pregnant will this harm our baby?


There is no data on whether PEP can harm the unborn baby. However, unprotected sex whilst you are taking PEP is not recommended. This is because you don’t know your status and you could infect your partner. That is why it is important to wait until you finish the course and have done the follow-up confirmatory test.

For more information on PEP and the risks of sexual transmission, please follow this link to our guide.

Best wishes


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Isaac,

    Do you mean PrEP? Please see this guide to PEP and PrEP.

  2. Isaac

    If am to take pep before sex ,how many should i take a day and for how long

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Godfrey,

    Truvada is safe and effective to use as PrEP. But you need to start taking it before you have condomless sex. So unfortunately you’re right. You need a third drug for PEP.

    Can you go back to the doctor and ask for testing and PEP? Please tell them you’ve been taking Truvada. There’s a lot of info in this guide PEP and PrEP.

  4. Godfrey

    I was having sex with a woman and the condom burst. We went for HIV testing and she was positive. I only managed to getvtruvada and failed to get the third drug. It is now two weeks taking truvada alone.
    My Question is, Am I safe with truvada alone?.

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Tboy,

    It’s good that you’ve finished PEP. Taking PEP would haven given you the chance to remain HIV negative. If you are HIV negative you can’t transmit HIV to your wife even if you didn’t use condoms.

    But after a course of PEP you need to wait 28 days before testing for HIV to check that you are HIV negative. This is because PEP can delay infection.

    Please see this link for more info about PEP.

  6. Tboy

    I had sex with HIV positive girl and I started pep immediately after 38hrs of exposure. I went for test after 4 days and was tested negative. Now am through with one month pep taking and had sex with my wife unprotected a day after completing the month pep. What’s the chances of infecting her while I stay negative.

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Thembi,

    I’m sorry but I’m not sure about your question. Please could you be clearer? However, if you are HIV negative you cannot transmit HIV.

  8. Thembi

    Is it possible that I can infect my partner if I’m taking prep after 36 hours then I’m having unprotected sex but if I was negetive

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Mpk,

    I’m sorry to hear this. However, it is difficult but not impossible, to get HIV from a needle stick injury. HIV does not live for long outside the body, usually less than an hour depending on the conditions.

    Starting PEP within an hour of exposure is good.

    Can you talk to someone in your clinic about the details of it? If you’re feeling scared it can help to discuss everything with another doctor or nurse.

  10. Mpk

    I’m a health worker , I mistakenly pricked myself with a lancet of a hiv positive person. I’m on pep but I’m really scared ……. will the pep worked ?
    I started taking it less than an hour of exposure…..


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