Q and A


Is creatine safe with HIV drugs?

Is creatine safe to use if you take HIV medications?


Creatine is sometimes used by bodybuilders as a supplement to increase muscle but it’s benefits are not clear and a study at the 7th Liposytrophy Workshop looked at use in HIV-positive poeple didn’t show a clear benefit.

Creatine will increase levels of creatinine which are routinely monitored if you are on if taking it when checking creatinine clearance (a measure of kidney function). you should not use creatine if you already have kidney problems.

It is especially important to tell your doctor if your HIV combination includes tenofovir (or Truvada or Atripla which both contain tenofovir), as this is an imprtant monitoring test with these drugs.

This study reported a caution about using creatine, especially if your HIV meds include tenofovir.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mihlenhle, this is something you should address with your doctor. Have you had your kidney function tested before starting your HIV treatment?

  2. Mihlenhle

    What cautions should I take when taking creatine with HIV drug containing tenofovir ?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Paul, the dose will be different depending on the formulation (tablet or granules) and what your creatinine level is. This link demonstrates how the dose of Tenofovir changes based on formulation and creatinine level (look under renal impairment): https://bnf.nice.org.uk/drug/tenofovir-disoproxil.html As an example, if you are using tablets with a creatinine clearance of 10-30mL/minute, your dose would be 245mg every 3-4 days.

  4. Paul

    What cautions should I take when taking creatine with HIV drug containing tenofovir ?


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