Q and A


Can I develop resistance if I missed 4 days of Atripla?

I have been taking Atripla for about 2 years now, not missing one day. My Viral Load is Undetectable, and CD4 Count is near 500.

My question is this.

This past friday I had to renew my prescription to Atripla and my local pharmacy couldn’t get in touch with my doctor, so i was without my meds until tuesday when she got back, so that left me 4 days without meds. I finally got some, and now back on schedule.

Do you think there is a chance I could develop resistance?


I’m very sorry to hear about your late delivery but glad to know that you are back on schedule.

Atripla is quite a ‘forgiving’ drug because it does take a long time to leave your body, so it is very unlikely that you will develop resistance.

Since you have missed 4 doses of your medication, it is recommended that you discuss this with your HIV doctor.  The only way you can tell if you develop resistance is if your viral load becomes detectable. Your doctor can run some tests to determine whether this has happened.

We are aware that for some people getting access to HIV medication can be a problem. One way of avoiding this again is to keep an extra supply of your medication. You can ask you pharmacy for an extra 2 weeks supply.

Another back up can be if you know anyone else who takes the same medication as you. If you do then you can temporarily borrow some from them. By joining a support group, you may meet other people on the same treatment.  This way you can support each other if this were to happen again.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lee,

    Yes you should continue with your pills, this is even if you missed taking them for 4 days. If you’re still feeling unwell, please talk to your doctor about this.

  2. Lee

    Hello ,
    I miss 4 days of my hiv pills when left for work leaving my pill at home.
    4 days later when I return , I had fever cold diarrhea with dark green watery stool.
    I continue with the pills now.will the pills still work .

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nonjabulo,

    This all depends on what meds you’re taking. If you’re to treatment and what sort of time difference you’re looking at. If its just a few hours either side of your normal time, this is OK.

  4. Nonjabulo

    Is its ok to take ARVs daily, but at different times?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nondwe,
    Accidents like this do happen. But the best way to check it’s okay is to talk to the doctor about missing these three days. The doctor will check your viral load to make sure it’s still undetectable.

  6. Nondwe

    Hi, I forgot to take my pills with I’ll be working three days and I’m not going to home. What is a risk of skipping three days

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Dear Sneh,
    M171 is Tribuss which is a version of Atripla. And as it says here, it can be forgiving if you miss some doses. But it’s important that you talk to the doctor and let them know that you’ve missed these 4 days but are now back on them. Is your baby okay Sneh? I hope so.
    Best wishes.

  8. sneh

    hi I’m a 27 year when was six month pregnant found out I have HIV so started meds called M171 so now was in labour for 3days and haven’t taken my meds for 4days but now I’m back on em is it safe for me to continue?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sue,

    Its common for people to miss a pill every now and then, we are after all all human. Though meds should be taken daily, you’re going to be ok. Missing one day won’t have any impact on your health nor HIV.

  10. Sue

    Hello I forget to take my atripla one night and I’m so scare of dieing can you say what will happen thanks I’m only started 3 months now and first time I miss a pill


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