Q and A


Can I get a work permit in Australia if I'm HIV positive?

I am qualified mental nurse and I am HIV positive. Can I be allowed to work in Australia?


The Australian Government operates one of the world’s most stringent health-screening regimes for visa applicants.  Currently, as in almost every country of the world, foreigners applying for most types of Australian visas, excluding temporary visitor visas, require a health check. The certified results are a required part of their immigration documents.

The Australian government Department of Immigration and Citizenship also wrote :-

“If the applicant is found to be HIV positive, a decision on whether the applicant meets the health requirement will be made on the same grounds as any other pre-existing medical condition. The main factor to be taken into account is the cost of the condition to the Australian community of health care and community services. Standard pre and post-test counselling must be provided by the doctor who examined the applicant.”

You can find more details at this link.

There is another link at Skilled Visa Health requirement – please look under AIDS/HIV.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Rakshit

    I am sorry to hear this – I had heard this about Australia.

    i-Base don’t keep this sort of information though as we are a medical information resource.

    In doing your own research, this site might be useful:

    good luck

  2. rakshit

    I am HIV positive and my Australian PR got rejected.
    Can anyone pls tell me which country i can migrate to or get a work permit?
    Australia and Canda its no but USA i am confused.
    For student F1 VISA there is no HIV test but for work permit i think they have.
    Can anyone please get e the clarity.

  3. Robin Jakob

    Hi Karthik,

    THe answer to your question depends on where you want to work. EU countries for example do not have restrictions on the entry and stay of people who have HIV. THis is also now the case with the USA. Some countries do have restrictions however.

    You can find more information here:

  4. karthik

    Hi, i’m from India and found out a year ago that i am HIV positive. I want to work abroad.can you pls tell if this is possible please.

    Thanks in advance.

  5. Robin Jakob


    Any advice would depend on the country that you choose to move too. I will post a link below to a great website. It has lots of information about immigration, travel and residency for HIV positive people.

    It is great that you are healthy and wanting to support your kids!

    Tis is a link to the website:

  6. laveria

    Hi. l was found to be HIV positive eight years ago and i’m stil healthy, normal and strong.l need to get a well paying job abroad to support my kids as l am tired of discrimination. Kindly advise me on the way forwad.

  7. Rebecca McDowall

    Thank you for your question. I am sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis, and the stress you are experiencing. Many HIV positive people do emigrate or work overseas. Unfortunately there are some countries, particularly in Asia, that don’t allow HIV positive people to gain working visas. You can find out about different countries’ policies on this website.

  8. Asian


    I browsing all the webs and blog about immigrating with HIV positive, seriously.
    I’m from Burma and current working in singapore and I’ve been found HIV positive last months. And according to Singapore’s Work Visa/Permit in the country, the HIV positive is not allow to work if he/she has been found HIV Positive. So I need to go back to my country very soon, and I’m sure I will be in trouble if I stay in my country that far from the city and hard to get treatment. And I am worrying the environment and get depression on it as I have seen many HIV people was abandoned and have to stay in HIV avenue. And the one wish in my life is to get work and enough salary to support my family who are old ages. I haven’t told my anyone in my family that I’m positive because of their health conditions and I don’t want them to upset and leave me so soon. And if I go back and I will not get much enough salary even to for my drugs as I need to stay in the city area and have to pay to rent, and all my family will be in trouble. The only wish is I just want to work in somewhere that I will be able to support my family. Pls any could any suggestion if I can live my life in any country?

  9. Peter

    According their website info, up to 12 months they do not check you for HIV only for TB. If you apply for a longer visa then they check you for HIV.

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