Q and A


Can I get a work permit in Australia if I'm HIV positive?

I am qualified mental nurse and I am HIV positive. Can I be allowed to work in Australia?


The Australian Government operates one of the world’s most stringent health-screening regimes for visa applicants.  Currently, as in almost every country of the world, foreigners applying for most types of Australian visas, excluding temporary visitor visas, require a health check. The certified results are a required part of their immigration documents.

The Australian government Department of Immigration and Citizenship also wrote :-

“If the applicant is found to be HIV positive, a decision on whether the applicant meets the health requirement will be made on the same grounds as any other pre-existing medical condition. The main factor to be taken into account is the cost of the condition to the Australian community of health care and community services. Standard pre and post-test counselling must be provided by the doctor who examined the applicant.”

You can find more details at this link.

There is another link at Skilled Visa Health requirement – please look under AIDS/HIV.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Meshack

    i-Base is about HIV treatment, but this website has info on HIV regulations in different countries:

    You can search by country :)

  2. Meshack

    which country can travel to work from Kenya

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Maroof,

    There are no restictions to entry and residence to the UK for people who are HIV positive.

    Please see HIV Travel.


    Hi iam from India and I want to go to UK but iam suffering with HIV can i get work visa

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Mr Mohd,

    Please see this link to HIV Travel. It includes restrictions on entry and stay in countries around the world.

  6. Mr mohd

    Hello iam from India and found that I have an HIV. I want to work in any overseas please somebody tell me which country will allow to work in abroad.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Pasupathi,

    Most countries are welcoming to people who are positive. If you wanted to move to the US or UK your status wouldn’t be an issue. Neither would it be an issue if you were to apply for a visa for Australia.

  8. Pasupathi

    My name is Pasupathi.My town is Tamil Nadu.I am an HIV victim.I want to stay abroad and work.Is this possible?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mark,

    Please see the above post.

  10. Mark

    Can I go to Australia?


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