Q and A


Does unprotected sex affect CD4 count?

Both my partner and I are positive.

I recently did my blood test and my CD4 count has dropped from 515 to 112 in a year. I was informed that I had to start medication.

He is not on meds as yet. We try our best to practice safe sex. But can this cause me to become resistant or continue lowering my CD4

Please assist.


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry your CD4 count has dropped so quickly fast. The good news in that, your CD4 will increase back to where is was, or higher in some cases, once you start treatment. You may find it useful to read our guide An introduction to combination therapy. The guide explains how treatment works, in more detail.

It is good that you do your best to use protection when you have sex. Unprotected sex will not affect your CD4 count.  There is a small chance of resistance. However, this is only an issue if you have a different strain of HIV from your partner.  If both of you have the same strain then the main risk of having unprotected sex would be STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections).

Although HIV positive people can be re-infected with a different type of HIV, the risk of this is probably lower than the risk of catching HIV when you are HIV negative.

On another note, can I ask if both you and your partner are in contact with support groups for positive people? Many find it helpful to share experiences and ways of coping with living with HIV.

You did not specify where you live. However, if you did want to make contact with support groups, your doctor will be able to refer you to one in your area.


  1. Milimoh

    Hi am HIV + & have been on treatment since 2015. I was initially on a combination dose of NVP 200mg, 3TC 150mg & ZDV 300mg BD. My CD4 was was below 500 cells. But initially raised to 1100 cells.
    In 2016 my doctor changed my treatment to a single dose of 3TC 300mg, EFV 600mg & TDF 300mg.
    Ever since this change was made my CD4 has only gone up to a maximum of 620 cells.
    I have no complaints whatsoever but am worried that maybe it’s treatment failure. What could be the cause of this discrepancy?
    Is it possible to go back to my first combination?
    I did a viral load count but my results are not yet ready.

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Pat,

    No you aren’t putting your partner in danger.

    Please see the following:


  3. Pat

    I have tested HIV positive in 2013. My viral load was 76 and cd4 count 333. I started treatment immediately and now the viral load is below zero and cd4 count 1193. My partner is negative we’ve been having unprotected sex for the past 5 months because we are trying to have a baby. Am I putting his life at danger?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bianca,

    If you live in South Africa, then yes you can buy meds. You will however need a prescription from your doctor. Given that your CD4 count is 262, its important that you’re on meds.

    For more info about starting meds, please see here:


  5. Bianca

    My CD4 count its 262 and I do want to be on treatment but i want to buy it on the pharmacy can that be possible.?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lira,

    Because your viral load is undetectable you can’t transmit HIV to your partner. For more info, please see here:


    Because your viral loads undetectable it means that the meds are working, this is even if your CD4 has dropped.

    The CD4 result could be a blip, therefore you should have this retested.

  7. Lira

    I’ve been on ARVs for 5 years. My CD4 was 800, now its 400. I’m undetectable. Is this a problem? My partner is negative.

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Josep,

    If your partner’s viral load is undetectable, the risk of transmission is close to zero. For more info please see the results of the PARTNER study:


  9. Josep

    I’ve had unprotected sex twice with my HIV positive partner, she’s on ARVs. She’s been positive for nine years now. What are the risks of me getting infected with HIV?

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi, This has been answered as a new question here:


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