
Does unprotected sex affect CD4 count?

Both my partner and I are positive.

I recently did my blood test and my CD4 count has dropped from 515 to 112 in a year. I was informed that I had to start medication.

He is not on meds as yet. We try our best to practice safe sex. But can this cause me to become resistant or continue lowering my CD4

Please assist.


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry your CD4 count has dropped so quickly fast. The good news in that, your CD4 will increase back to where is was, or higher in some cases, once you start treatment. You may find it useful to read our guide An introduction to combination therapy. The guide explains how treatment works, in more detail.

It is good that you do your best to use protection when you have sex. Unprotected sex will not affect your CD4 count.  There is a small chance of resistance. However, this is only an issue if you have a different strain of HIV from your partner.  If both of you have the same strain then the main risk of having unprotected sex would be STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections).

Although HIV positive people can be re-infected with a different type of HIV, the risk of this is probably lower than the risk of catching HIV when you are HIV negative.

On another note, can I ask if both you and your partner are in contact with support groups for positive people? Many find it helpful to share experiences and ways of coping with living with HIV.

You did not specify where you live. However, if you did want to make contact with support groups, your doctor will be able to refer you to one in your area.


  1. Khaya

    Hi,my name is khaya me and my partner we are both hiv positive and we are on treatment so can we make sex without condom

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Pontsho, it is great that you have started treatment, how are you feeling?

    HIV treatment often works very fast and it is common for your viral load to be suppressed within 3 months, usually faster. CD4 count does not respond as fast as this. It can take a few years to fully recover but it will slowly rise as you remain on medication. Are you taking any antibiotics as your CD4 count is this low?

    It is good that your partner has tested positive. While your viral load is still high there is a risk of transmission. This can be avoided with using condoms or your partner being on PrEP. When your viral load falls below 200 there will be no risk to your partner and you will not need to use anything other than HIV medication to prevent transmission. This is called U=U:


    Hi am PONTSHO

    Am HIV+ And my CD4 is less then 50,I started treatment last month on thee 28th,and my viral load was too high almost half a million.

    So my question is,how fast can ARVs takes the virus down,and how long is gona take to power up my CD4?

    And how dangerous am I to my partner,she recently tested negative?

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zah, there is no benefit to taking these multivitamins – especially if you follow a healthy and balanced diet. There is no evidence to suggest that taking multivitamins will help increase your CD4 count. The only medication that can do this is your ARVs which you are already taking. A multivitamin does not have any side effects and you can take them as long as you want.

    The medication I mentioned previously is an antibiotic. This is different to a multivitamin. This antibiotic called Co-trimoxazole prevents other infections. It is sometimes also called Septrin or Bactrim. Is this something your doctor or pharmacist has mentioned before?

  5. Zah

    Thank you gor your response earlier. My cd4 count is 138 though i am still fresh and not feeling any signs of sickness, i was only given ARVs and that pill to prevent TB at the clinic, I was not given any multivitamin so i went to a doctor and told them that my cd4 count is low and i asked for multivitamin so they gave me purbac double strength and activovite the sad part is that I was not told if am gona take them for how long and either to take them in the morning or afternoon i was not told and I could not ask because i was just told that they have requested the medication from my medical aid and it will be couriered to me, so I did not know what type of medication i am going to recieve and i am alstill knew with this whole process. So is it the right meds and how long can I take them. Am scared of the side effects that I dont even know what are they especaily now that since I started ARVs in march I dont have any complications, no sickness no side effects so I am worried about starting something new that I was not even given an ecplanationa baout them and what to expect from them.
    Thank you

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Joe, risk of transmission does is not affected by your CD4 count. Risk is determined by your viral load. Have you had this test done? If your viral load is below 200 this is considered undetectable. When this low you cannot pass on HIV via sex.

    This is explained by U=U:

  7. Joe

    I am hic for 10 this week when I check my blood test they said my CD 4 count is 350 am I risk to my partner if we can make love without condoms she is hiv too she is detected the can not see singe of hiv at blood cells

  8. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zah, having unprotected sex (sex without a condom) with your husband will not cause your CD4 count to go down. It is good to hear that you have started treatment but while your viral load is not suppressed there is a risk to your husband.

    Does your husband understand that sex without a condom will put him at risk if he is not already HIV positive? Now that you are on medication your CD4 count will start to rise. Have you been given any other medication? Usually with a CD4 count below 200 an antibiotic called Septrin (co-trimoxazole) is usually given to prevent other infections.

  9. Zah

    Hallow, my name is Zah. i have just tested Hiv+ and my cd4 count is 138, i started ARVs last month. I have a husband who has not yet tested, i informed him about my status but because we have been having unprotected sex and he atill want us to continue with unprotected sex. Now i am so scared now that my cd4 count is 138, that continue having unprotected sex will put my life in danger. My focus now i want on making my cd4 count to go up. So what can unprotected sex do to my health and can it affect my cd4 count from going up.

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mpume.

    Are you on medication? If you are, (which you should be) what is your viral load? If it’s undetectable, so less than 50copies ml then there’s no risk to your partner. Please see here:
    If your viral load is detectable, there’s no need for your partner to take PrEP.


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