Q and A


How much do ARVs cost privately in South Africa?



Drug pricing for HIV meds is complex. It varies depending whether a country is rich or poor because global agreements and treatment programmes recognise that richer countries are able to pay more for basic medicine.

It also related to how serious a health problem in terms of numbers of people who are HIV positive in that country. So although South Africa is a rich country, because HIV affects such a large percentage of the population, it can use generic HIV meds, which are also substantially cheaper.

The cost for ARVs in private are on this web page from the Treatment Action Campaign.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi John – if timing is difficult perhaps see if either the clinic or pharmacy can other options. We get a few questions about this.

  2. John

    hi i use to get my arv treatment at clinic now the problem is the time to go to clinic . there is no other way I can do or use to get my treatment on time .? . even at phamarcy its fine couse I’m working during the week and on weekend they are not working at clinic

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Tinashe

    i-Base is in the UK – try contacting Treatment Action Campaign in SA.

  4. tinashe

    i was intiated in zimbabwe and i was also getting treatment there,but now i am in south africa,i have my card with me but i have no transfere letter is it possible for me to get the h.i.v medication here in s.a.Pliz help

  5. Roy Trevelion

    It’s important that you take your ARVs at the right time every day. ARVs have to be taken every day because if you miss taking them then HIV will bounce back, and the ARVs can stop working. It’s important that you talk to your doctor about the problems of getting access to your medication.

  6. bongani

    I work on a very strict compound, in that case I don’t always get time during the week to go collect my ARVs what can I do?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Noloyiso

    Because I am based in the UK, I can only help with limited information. I don;t know the health system if this is in another country.

    You are right that it is better to be on ARVs and the doctor should give tyou a letter so you can access the meds.

    Why is he not helping. Perhaps show him this online answer.

    Can you do to another doctor? Or contact an HIV organisation in your country?

  8. Noloyiso

    hi my cd4 count was 500 and something so because of I want to get pregnant and my partner is negative. so the doctor gave me Trevenz ARV’s. Now the medical aid doesn’t want give this medication because they say I don’t qualify to use it.

    Now the doctor who gave says we must use money from our pockets which we can’t afford.

    So I went to the clinic, they said they need a letter from the doctor that state my condition and medication, the doctor doesn’t want to do this.

    what can I do, I am very worried, It’s been a month now I’m on ARV’s

    plz help me

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Buhle

    In the UK nearly everyone is treated at public health clinics where treatment is free.

    This is the same in many other countries so it would be better to ask about this in the hospital where you live in case so that you might not need to buy meds at all.

    I am sorry that we don;t have information about the costs of meds in every country.

    Your doctor should also discuss with you about when to start treatment.

  10. buhle

    I found out tht IM HIV last year I ddnt take the treatment nw IM thinking of to gt treatment I want to buy the pills wt must I do


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