Q and A


How much do ARVs cost privately in South Africa?



Drug pricing for HIV meds is complex. It varies depending whether a country is rich or poor because global agreements and treatment programmes recognise that richer countries are able to pay more for basic medicine.

It also related to how serious a health problem in terms of numbers of people who are HIV positive in that country. So although South Africa is a rich country, because HIV affects such a large percentage of the population, it can use generic HIV meds, which are also substantially cheaper.

The cost for ARVs in private are on this web page from the Treatment Action Campaign.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi, It’s important that you get some support about this. You could contact TAC and talk to them about your fears.

    TAC stands for the Treatment Action Campaign. This is the largest HIV positive support organisation in South Africa and they were responsible for the drive to get ARVs available in SA.

    The main office is in Cape Town, but there are support groups and branches across the country, including in Jo’burg.

  2. nhlanhla

    I’m afraid to test and I slept with someone people keep on telling me that he is positive I’m afraid because I think if I find myself positive I will commit suicide

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Nicollet, even though HIV is now easy to treat, it is still common to have a shock reaction. This will get easier. As you can’t go make and become negative again, all you can do is move forward. In the UK – and many other countries – people are starting treatment earlier. This can make dealing with HIV much easier. If the clinic said you can start treatment then this is a good thing. These links might be useful:

  4. Nicollet

    I recently tested hiv positive and my low self esteem has dropped to zero, it like every one can see what I’m going through, the Dr advised me not to stress but it hard not too after such a huge shock . And I have noticed the symptoms, lymph around my neck, my CD 4 count last time I checked was bit high the clinic said I’m in a position to start arv’s but I’m worried what if I get seriously sick ? Is it possible to start ARVS sooner? I will appreciate your opinions.

    Thank you

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Lesego – the answer is the same. Just take a test. Most results are negative becasue HIV is not easy to catch. but if you are positive , it is better to know. Also, if it is negative, the experience will make it easier to routinely test again in the future.

  6. Lesego

    Hi koketso,

    Your story is so similar to mine and I don’t know what to do.

  7. Roy Trevelion
  8. Koketso

    Hi guys I’m afraid to test and I’ve already slept with someone and people keep on telling me that she’s sick, I dont know what to do help me guys

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Lerato – if the ARVs are working weel why would you want to stop them. In general there are more risks from stoppign treatment. It is better to have an undetectable viral load.

  10. lerato

    Hi i sm taking arvs but i think my cd4 its fine. i dont know if i can stop taking them?


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