Q and A


How much do ARVs cost privately in South Africa?



Drug pricing for HIV meds is complex. It varies depending whether a country is rich or poor because global agreements and treatment programmes recognise that richer countries are able to pay more for basic medicine.

It also related to how serious a health problem in terms of numbers of people who are HIV positive in that country. So although South Africa is a rich country, because HIV affects such a large percentage of the population, it can use generic HIV meds, which are also substantially cheaper.

The cost for ARVs in private are on this web page from the Treatment Action Campaign.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Angelica, HIV has not been reported as changing period times. This means it is somethign to talk to your doctor about. It is good that you are looking at new life plans and to start HIV treatment.

  2. Angelica

    Hi, I contracted the virus in Aug 2015. I’m not depressed or worried since I am well-informed about this phenomenon and have a healthy sexual lifestyle despite my current status. I really just want to know how severe could the infection be by now because I’m no longer getting my monthly period for about 3months now. does this mean I can no longer have kids? I intend to enter a treatment plan before end 2016. this experience has revived my primary school dream of doctoring. I will understand medicine more for the sake of this virus. thanks for the platform

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Zack, the hospital should usually run another HIV test to double-check this result. If this is also positive then they will do other tests including a CD4 count. Then the doctor will talk about treatment. Please ask the doctor these questions. HIV treatment is very effective.

  4. zack

    hi, i just need information, cs i come frm hospita 2 months back.my file shows i HIv but they didnt give medication.
    but i was going to hospital cause of my right elbow.what must i do now

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Mandla, the cost of HIV meds varies by a lot depending on which drugs you are taking and country you live in. You can ask a doctor or pharmacist to rough costs. i-Base is based in the UK and I don’t know where you live.

  6. Mandla

    How much are ARV’s?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Senia

    i-Base is a UK project and I think you might be writing from outside the UK. Most countries have free government clinics that provide treatment. Please ask at your clinic to the centre where you tested positive. i-Base only has limited information about local services in other countries.

  8. Senia

    I need the arv drugs

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Jerry, even without knowing which country you are in, sometime this is the easiest way to get back on treatment. Once you have registered at the new clinic, it would be good to tell your doctor something about your treatment history. This might be important for decisions about your future care.

  10. Jerry

    I started taking ARV’s in 2009 and I defaulted since June 2016. I can’t go back to my clinic as I’m currently living in another province. My question is is it possible to take another test and start treatment with another clinic?


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