Q and A


How much do ARVs cost privately in South Africa?



Drug pricing for HIV meds is complex. It varies depending whether a country is rich or poor because global agreements and treatment programmes recognise that richer countries are able to pay more for basic medicine.

It also related to how serious a health problem in terms of numbers of people who are HIV positive in that country. So although South Africa is a rich country, because HIV affects such a large percentage of the population, it can use generic HIV meds, which are also substantially cheaper.

The cost for ARVs in private are on this web page from the Treatment Action Campaign.


  1. Bongi

    Can I get ARVs at the pharmacy?

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Annonimous,

    The following offers private HIV care in Cape Town:


    As we are a UK based organisation, I can’t say how good it is.

  3. Annonimous

    Where can I go for ARV treatment in Cape Town, private place please

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Xoliswa,

    This isn’t something that we can do at i-base. Like Simon said, can you get your old clinic to email your new one?

  5. xoliswa

    My file number is B2853at poly clinic Kwamashu iwant a transfer letter for arvs at nqobani poly clinic

  6. Simon Collins

    Hi Xoliswa, i-Base is in the UK so we don’t know details of care in all other countries. What would happen if you registered where you now live as a new patient? Can you get the KZN clinic to email you a transfer letter?

  7. Xoliswa

    I was in kzn when i started arvs now im at easterncape permanently the problem they cant assist me with treatment without transfer letter im running out of treatment

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lee.

    Stop, breath, and slow down. You’ll be OK.

    Being diagnosed can be difficult, it does though become easier with time. But there will be an adjustment period. What’s important to know is that HIV is now a very manageable health condition. And that treatment is excellent. When you were diagnosed, was treatment discussed with you?

    Being able to talk to someone might help. Are there support groups near to where you live? Or could you talk to a friend, or relative?

    There’s a link here about being newly diagnosed, as well as some other really helpful info:


    If you need anything else, please contact us.

  9. Lee

    I just got tested positive today, what do I do? I’m so lost and confused.


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