Q and A


Will my medications be free in the UK?

I am British but live in Thailand and recently diagnosed with HIV (with a fairly high CD4 count). I am hoping I won’t need medication for many years yet – but if and when I return to the UK, is medication free? Secondly, if I stay in Thailand, will I have to pay for medication? What about my Thai partner – will it be free for him in Thailand? Feeling a bit isolated here for info.


The medications are free in the UK for the holders of British, EU passports, as well as people who are here legally for a period of a year or more (working visa, students visa, etc.). So, if/when you return, you will be able to access treatment, care and support free of charge.

I cannot provide you with much information about what you can access in Thailand, but it is unlikely to the the same meds used in the UK. I think first-line treatment in Thailand is still GPO-Vir (which is d4T+3TC+nevirapine). Alternative drugs may now be more widely used, but d4T is not used in the UK now because of it’s risk of side effects including lipoatrophy.

Organisations and institutions in Thailand are on this page with their contact details. I am sure they will be able to give you the exact information.


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