Can I change from lamzid & aluvia to Atripla?
21 August 2012. Related: All topics, Changing treatment, Resistance.
I was taking aspen lamzid (AZT/3TC) and Aluvia (lopinavir/r),and now it turns out i have to take Atripla (efavirenz, FTC + tenofovir). Is is safe to do so? Won’t my body develop resistance towards the meds?
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To answer your question I would need to know why you are changing medication.
If you are changing because you had virological failure- which means your viral load went up- then there is risk that you have resistance to some HIV medications, which may affect your use of Atripla. This is because resistance to AZT or 3TC can mean you also have resistance to FTC or tenofovir.
If you are changing for another reason, and have no resistance to AZT or 3TC, then it should be OK to switch.
Hi Fortunate, thanks. Your post includes several different issues and I am not a doctor but the following info might be useful when talking to your doctor. Most people find dolutegravir-based ART easier to take, but some people report putting on weight, for example that their tummy and breasts can become bigger. One option could be to switch back to TEE if you found that an easy combination to take. This might help with your tummy. It sounds like TEE was working well before.
If the doctor didn’t find what was making you feel sick, they still need to do this.
The only med that can cause weight loss from your arms, legs and buttocks etc would be the AZT in Lamzid which can also cause muscle loss. As you are no longer taking Lamzid this should not be getting worse.
Abacavir/lamivudine/dolutegravir should not continue causing any muscle loss.
Goodday guys…I started taking ART from 2013 at first they put me on TEE I used it for 9 full years,2021 Sept I fell sick but they couldn’t find what was actually the problem because my viral load was undetectable…they then switched me into lamzid and dolutegravir from 2022 been taking untill I noticed this year Jul that I’m losing weight specially legs,hips,thighs,buttocks and arms,my breast have increased also the tummy is coming along then I went to the doctor and he switched me to Abacavir/lamivudine/dolutegravir. My biggest worry is that I’m continuing loosing like rn there’s a discomfort in my buttocks and thighs also loosing muscles can it be lamzid side effects or something else? And does switching stop the progression?
Hi Fikelephi, most countries have alternative combinations that you could use. Both the drus you are on are quite old now. Are you taking these twice a day? Please talk to your doctor about the reasons you want to change and if there are alternatives. Many people use once-daily treatment, but this might also depend on your previous HIV history.
I would to know whether is possible for me to change Aluvia and Lamzid to another regiment
Hi Thully, thanks – and great you are doing so well on your meds. It is very safe to switch to TDL – also sometimes called TLD. This is generally a bettr meds and you might find it easier. Ther is more info here:
Hi guys Im on alluvia and lamzid for ayear,my viral load less than 20 copies is it safe to change to TDL,there will be no complications?