Q and A


How soon can I eat after taking Odimune?

I hear you say its advisable to take odimune (efavrienz+ FTC+ tenofovir) at bed time and its only taken on empty stomach, how long exactly should i stay away from food before taking it? The reason i am asking this is I can not starve the whole day before taking the tablet.


Saying that Odimune needs to be taken on an ’empty stomach’ doesn’t mean you need to starve yourself. It is fine to eat something before or when you take this, but you have to be careful to make sure this is not a high fat meal.

A high fat meal will increase levels of efavirenz and so you may get more side effects (mood changes, anxiety, disorientation or interrupted sleep etc). Food low in fat or with just a little fat, will be fine.

More about this is explained in this question: What happens if don’t take Atripla on an empty stomach?

Odimune is a generic version of Atripla which includes the same meds but is just made by a different company.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Anold

    Odimune needs to be taken before you go to sleep. This is so you sleep through the side effects that some people get with efavirenz, which is one of the three meds in Odimune.

    Any time in the hour or two before going to bed should be fine.

    Then try to stick to the same time each day. This routine will help you remember every day.

    Good luck.

  2. Anold

    I’m positive and I will be starting to take odimune tomorrow 22-06-15 and its am first time and what kind should I take on a day to day

  3. agnes

    Please help, since i started to take Odimune over the last 3 months i’ve lost weight, what should i do?

  4. Robin Jakob


    It is common to have some side effects when you first start treatment. These usually get better after a few weeks. However if you are very concerned about the side effects you should talk to your doctor of clinic They can tell you if they have other meds available.

  5. aggie

    Please help i’m staring taking my meds today and i feel, dizzy and have nightmares. I think i need to change. Its becuase i’m a security guard.

  6. Robin Jakob


    It is great that you are thinking about having children. It is common now for people who have HIV to have HIV negative children.

    You can finds lots of information here:

  7. nomasonto, vosloorus

    I just started on Odimune on Wednesday,but later this year i want to start my own family my CD4 count was 436 is it possible? I am so despetate to have Will i give birth to negetive children?

  8. Stanley

    This is my third year on Odimune and its the best I can asure you. In the beginning yes I experience side effects but now its my life. I am as healthy as can be. I think most of us is just scred in the beginning but believe me< its not going to harm you but makes you feel healthy. All the best. Regards

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Precious

    I’m sorry that the first night was difficult – most people really do find it gets easier.

    Being sick last night will not have affected your response to treatment. Most HIV drugs are usually absorbed within the first 1-2 hours, so being sick later than this means you do not need to take them again.

    Please see this link for more information on efavirenz side effects:

    I hope tonight you have an easier time.

  10. Precious

    I hav started my odimune jst yesterday i ddnt sleep at night and at about 2 midninght i vomited is dis dangerius ?? and nw am very dizzy


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