Q and A


How soon can I eat after taking Odimune?

I hear you say its advisable to take odimune (efavrienz+ FTC+ tenofovir) at bed time and its only taken on empty stomach, how long exactly should i stay away from food before taking it? The reason i am asking this is I can not starve the whole day before taking the tablet.


Saying that Odimune needs to be taken on an ’empty stomach’ doesn’t mean you need to starve yourself. It is fine to eat something before or when you take this, but you have to be careful to make sure this is not a high fat meal.

A high fat meal will increase levels of efavirenz and so you may get more side effects (mood changes, anxiety, disorientation or interrupted sleep etc). Food low in fat or with just a little fat, will be fine.

More about this is explained in this question: What happens if don’t take Atripla on an empty stomach?

Odimune is a generic version of Atripla which includes the same meds but is just made by a different company.


  1. Robin Jakob


    It is great to hear that you are doing well. It is OK to drink alcohol while being on HIV treatment. THis is along as it does not affect you taking your meds when you’re supposed too!

  2. Tyson

    I am 28 years old and I am HIV positive since 2010. I am strong and fit and it was difficult for me to accept but one day I told my partner about it and she went and got tested. We found out she is negative. She is very supportive and she is looking after me and make sure that I eat well. Now I am taking Odimune and I don’t even have side effects. Can i mix alcohol and Odimune?

  3. Robin Jakob

    I am afraid i do not know what Module 8 is. It is always a good idea to make sure that your doctor or clinic is aware of any medications or supplements you are using. They can help you work out if there is a problem.

  4. steve


    Can I take Odimune and Module 8 together?

  5. Robin Jakob


    Eating 2 hours after taking meds is fine. It is recommended that you wait for at least 2 hours because high fat foods could increase the levels of your meds and cause side effects.

  6. noko

    I want to know if i can eat at 6 and take my meds at 8.00, is there any problem?

  7. Robin Jakob


    Odimune should be taken either on an empty stomach or with a low fat meal. This is because taking it with a high fat meal can raise drug levels and cause more severe side effects. You can also take it just before bed. THis means you are asleep when drug levels are highest and side effects occur.

    You can find more information about Odimune here: http://i-base.info/guides/1561

  8. Gloria

    I want to now how to take this medicine, is at after food or not?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Christinah

    Thanks for the nice feedback.

    I hope everything goes well with the new meds. Take it easy until your body gets used to these, until you know whether you are getting any side effects. Usually these get easier.

    Let us know how you get on.


    am also going to start on my odimune today and am so glad i read your comments they made me feel so betterv cause i was also confussed and had so many questions that you guys unswered for me thank you


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