
What makes someone a fast progressor?

What makes someone a fast progressor? How do you define this? How many CD4 checks do you need before you have enough to establish if your a fast progressor?

Once again I must also take this chance to say thank you for continuing to provide such a wonderful collection of information for everyone and the amazing knowledge and kind understanding that you show people always. You are amazing people. Thank you so much.


Thanks for the nice words.

A partial technical explanation about fast/slow progression can be found at the following links: and Nobody can give a comprehensive explanation until now though. Further research is necessary in that direction.

As for exact definition, the terms are used fairly freely. Usually we accept that somebody is a fast progressor if he/she gets to a CD4 below 200 within a year-2-3 from the point of infection. With the new guidelines and starting treatment at 350 this terminology may very well change.

As for the number of tests, perhaps 3-4 consecutive tests within a year period will show the trend.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Rachel, this is very common – please see this answer here:

  2. Rachel

    How does it happened that the person you slept with for years without protection he/she became negative?


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